Medical Disclosure
LivingWeb Virtual Library: Medical Library
We support the Health on the Internet
Foundation[aA]>razer 3 free games HON Code of Conduct (HONcode) for Medical and Health Websites.
We have not yet applied for HONcode Membership, as we are still
in the early stages of developing the Medical section of our library.
We will, however, work to comply with the code during our development phase,
and once in place, will apply for membership and maintain HONcode conformity.
Purpose: Our purpose in developing this section of the
Library is to organize selected materials in ways we think will facilitate
the search for information and will support health professionals, caregivers,
and other persons seeking to be involved in various aspects of promoting
health, healing, and wholeness.
LivingWeb Medical and Healing Pages of our Website:
Our pages are offered by a Non-Medical Professional
with absolutely no expertise in any medical field whatsoever. We
do not intend to provide any medical advice. The webmaster
is a pastor and a caregiver, without any certification in the fields
of medicine or couseling, whose primary intention is to use the resources
of this library in carrying out these responsibilities to parishoners,
family, and friends. We make these pages available to the public
both to provide a repository for new information links and to share our
resources. Our church operates a Free Health Clinic under the direction
of a Certified Parish Nurse. For more information see Spence
Chapel Free Clinic[aA]>razer 3 free games.
We respect, but have only limited knowledge of, applicable
privacy laws. We have no intention of posting any private
materials, and if such are received they will be removed from public access
and treated confidentially in accordance with the webmaster's role as a
pastor with respect to the UMC Discipline, Paragraph 332.5: "All
clergy of The United Methodist Church are charged to maintain all confidences
inviolate, including confessional confidences."
The Last Update Date appears at the
bottom of each Medical Resource Page, together with the Link Verification
Nearly all information in the LivingWeb Medical Library consists of links
to outside sources. Our policy is to organize links in
useful ways, and to open the pages outside of our frames in new windows
so that users can clearly distinguish the source of the information they
are viewing. Any recommendations and assessments we make would be
non-medical, and pertaining to the pastoral role of the webmaster to
encourage persons seeking information and advice to contact certified
medical and counseling professionals.
The LivingWeb Library Home Page and the Webmaster
Email Address links are displayed at the end of each page in
the library. The webmaster is Bill Lawson, PO Box 1613, Paducah,
Kentucky,[aA]>razer 3 free games
We currently have no outside funding sources or advertising, but we do
hope to receive sponsorship and full funding at some point in the future.
Information about sponsorship is posted
after the resource section by the following links:
Info[aA]>razer 3 free games | Underwriting
Info[aA]>razer 3 free games
Each page in the Medical Library section contains a clear link to this
Disclosure Information[aA]>razer 3 free games page.
Library[aA]>razer 3 free games
©2001 William
H. Lawson, Jr.[aA]>razer 3 free games
Verified[aA]>razer 3 free games & Last Update: February 16, 2001
[aA]>razer 3 free games