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Bible Commentaries Offline
NOT viewable online:
Some of these we will transcribe
as funding permits; others will hopefully be made available by their publishers
in the future. We are accumulating what online info is available
for locating, citation, and review purposes.
See also specific
Bible sections, books, & topics for individual commentary texts
Davidson, F., Ed., New
Bible Commentary, 1954, Eerdmans & Sons
Fuller, Reginald Horace, Preaching
the Lectionary, 1984, Order of St. Benedict
Guthrie, D., Ed., New
Bible Commentary: Revised, 1970, Eerdmans & Sons
Halley, Henry H., Halley's
Bible Handbook, 1927, Halley
Henry, Matthew, Matthew
Henry's Commentary, MacDonald Publishing
Laymon, Charles M., Ed. Interpreter's
One Volume Commentary on the Bible, 1971, Abingdon Press
Lockyer, Herbert, All
the Apostles of the Bible, 1972, Zondervan
Lockyer, Herbert, All
the Miracles of the Bible, 1961, Zondervan
Meeks, Wayne A., Ed., HarperCollins
Study Bible, 1993, HarperCollins
Parker, Joseph, People's
Bible, 1901, Funk & Wagnalls
Ratzinger, Joseph, Imprimi Potest, Catechism
of the Catholic Church, 1994, Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Throckmorton, Burton H., Jr., Ed., Gospel
Parallels, 1949, National Council of Churches
Vine, W.E., Expository
Dictionary of New Testament Words, (undated) Thomas Nelson
Wesley, John, Explanatory
Notes Upon the New Testament, 1981, Baker Book House
Whedon, D.D., Whedon
Commentary, 1866, Carlton & Porter
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