May 21, 2017
Interwoven Spirits
“I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” – John 14:20
Quotes & Notes on: John 14:20
- John Wesley’s Notes:
At that day-When ye see me after my resurrection; but more eminently at the day of pentecost
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:
* ye shall. Joh 14:10; 10:38; 17:7,11,21-23,26; 2Co 5:19; Col 1:19; 2:9
* ye in. Joh 6:56; 15:5-7; Ro 8:1; 16:7; 1Co 1:30; 2Co 5:17; 12:2; 13:5; Ga 2:20 Eph 2:10; Col 1:27; 1Jo 4:12
- Adam Clarke’s Commentary:
That I am in my Father] After my resurrection, ye shall be more fully convinced of this important truth, that I and the Father are ONE; for I will live in you by the energy of my Spirit, and ye shall live in me by faith, love, and obedience.
- Family Bible Notes:
At that day; when the Holy Spirit should come, and they should enjoy not the bodily, but the spiritual presence of the Redeemer.
- 1599 Geneva Bible Notes:
The Son is in the Father in such a way that he is of one selfsame substance with the Father, but he is in his disciples in a different way, as an aider and helper of them.
- People’s New Testament Commentary:
At that day ye shall know. “That day” began on Pentecost. There was no more doubting after the Holy Spirit was sent. “That day” still comes to every soul that wholly surrenders to the will of Christ (Joh 7:17).
- Robertson’s Word Pictures:
In that day (en ekeinêi têi hêmerâi). The New Dispensation of the Holy Spirit, beginning with Christ’s Resurrection and the Coming of the Holy Spirit at pentecost. Shall know (gnôsesthe). Future middle of ginôskô. Chapters 1 to 3 of Acts bear eloquent witness to these words.
- Albert Barnes’ Commentary:
At that day. In the time when my life shall be fully manifested to you, and you shall receive the assurance that I live. This refers to the time after his resurrection, and to the manifestations which in various ways he would make that he was alive.
That I am in my Father, &c. That we are most intimately and indissolubly united. See Barnes for Joh 10:38.
Ye in me. That there is a union between us which can never be severed. See Barnes for Joh 15:1, also Joh 15:2-7.
- Jamieson-Faussett Brown:
At that day–of the Spirit’s coming.
ye shall know that I am in my Father, ye in me, I in you–(See on JFB for Joh 17:22).
- Spurgeon Devotional Commentary:
(No comment on this verse).
- Spurgeon Commentary on Matthew:
(No comment on this verse).
- William Burkitt’s Notes:
(No comment on this verse).
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary:
(No comment on this verse).
- Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary:
(No comment on this verse).
- The Fourfold Gospel:
In that day. We may take this either as the day of Pentecost, or the period which began on that day.
Bob VanWyk, Lectionary Hymn Reviewer
- There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit Relates to John 14:19. Words and music by Doris Akers (1962)
- Holy Spirit, Truth Divine Relates to John 14:17. Several tunes
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Familiar Charles Wesley hymn. Several tunes, including “Hyfrydol.”
- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus Relates to John 14:18. Familiar tune: Hyfrydol
- There’s a Spirit in the Air Relates to John 14:16. Words by Brian Wren (1969)
- O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High Several tunes, one of which is the Agincourt Song. Relates to John 14:16.
- Standing on the Promises
- God of Grace and God of Glory
- Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
- Have Thine Own Way
Your Comments
We will experience the presence of The Risen Lord not in our common memory nor in mystical visions but in the doing of the will of God.
– Lee Gallman, , Richmond, VA
My Title is “Resurrection Comfort.” Jesus comfort is extended to the disciples not as a soothing voice which makes empty declarations of okayness. Jesus promise is for an advocate in troubled times. The Resurrection brings with it a sword, a stumbling block and a lifestyle that cuts across the easy accommedation to our culture. Jesus promise is not that “it will be okay;” it is that “I will be with you.”
– Gallman, Lee,, Richmond, VA,
Sermons, Outlines, & Commentaries
Lanora Wright, Lectionary Topic Librarian
See also:
Weekly Lectionary Resources; 220.7 – Bible Commentaries; 251 – Homiletics; 252 – Sermon Texts; Year B; Year C
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