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  • Heart's Desire  Our heart's desire is to give glory to God through the creative work of our hands.
  • Sample Essays  Like the Modern Language Association style guide, the APA
  • Dotmarker.com - Web Business Research Center  Dotmarker.com, The Web Business Research Center, provides high quality services and information on web business opportunities and domain name suggestion and registration.
  • Vietnam Hotel, Vietnam Tour  Vietnam Holiday Packages and Vacation Tours - Vietnam Holidays offers design-your-own budget holidays to Vietnam with great value flight...
  • How to become a mortgage broker  24-hour Mortgage Broker License Training Course
  • Essays  Essay Experts is a professional writing and research assistance service that specializes in the creation of model essays, term papers and dissertations.
  • European Science Education Media  This European website specialises in presenting multimedia content on public funded European research in the areas of Health, Genomics and Food Safety. In addition, information and arguments on relevant risk issues are covered. The science subjects are treated in easy to understand modules for two major groups of users: educators and film producers.
  • Broad Side of the Barn Magazine  Magazine features humorous stories and drawings as well as topical articles
  • Bible Study Wiki  A forum for asking questions on the scriptures, answering questions, and learning God's Word as a community.
  • Musical Instruments  Stringed musical instruments - guitars, violin, instruments of the peoples of the world.
  • Tom Sheehan's Digital Images  Historical educational photographs of the Boston Harbor Island Peddocks Island, Norwell's North River, Castle Island South Boston. Cohasset Harbor,Nantasket, Scituate, Civil War battlefields of Antietam, Cold Harbor, Manassas. Digital macro insect images.
  • Health Food  A proper nutrition and a balanced diet comprises of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals salts and fiber.
  • TimeMaps : : History Software for education  TimeMaps are animated history atlases for the PC.
  • Health Care  Health is important to one and all. One would do anything for sound health, because it means living a bit longer.Learn more...
  • Two Things Stories  Two Things Stories emerged from the author's amusing bedtime storytelling crafted after his two daughters think of one thing each.
  • Study of Angels and Guardian Angels Who Protect Us  Bringing people closer to God through the study of His angels and the guardian angels who protect us.
  • Maine Colleges in Maine Universities (ME)  Maine Colleges, Colleges in Maine, and Maine Universities.
  • Bible Genealogy and Ancient History  Genealogy of the Bible that includes: individual details, Bible cross reference, Hebrew meanings of names, lineages, dates, maps, timeline, contemporaries and Ancient dynastic history of Mesopotamia and Egypt.
  • Lawson Data Networking Services--Onsite and online education technology support services

  • exclusive cataloguing of academic working papers. The process is based on a science classification scheme similar to the extant decimal systems, but tailored to the specific needs of the academic community. 7,500 dynamic, interoperable, and hypertopical Digital Science Pages contain manually 
    distributed and reviewed academic resources and launch predefined relevance-based queries. 


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