Colosse was a city of the Greater Phrygia, not far from
Laodicea and Hierapolis. Though St. Paul preached in many
parts of Phrygia, yet he never had been at this city. It had
received the gospel by the preaching of Epaphras, who was with
St. Paul when he wrote this epistle.
It seems the Colossians were now in danger of being seduced
by those who strove to blend Judaism, or heathen superstitions,
with Christianity; pretending that God, because of his great
majesty, was not to be approached but by the mediation of
angels; and that they were certain rites and observances,
chiefly borrowed from the law, whereby these angels might be
made our friends.
In opposition to them, the apostle, 1. Commends the knowledge
of Christ, as more excellent than all other, and so entire and
perfect that no other knowledge was necessary for a Christian.
He shows, 2. That Christ is above all angels, who are only his
servants; and that, being reconciled to God through him, we
have free access to him in all our necessities.
This epistle contains,
I. The inscription,................................... C i. I,2
II. The doctrine, wherein the apostle pathetically explains
the mystery of Christ,
By thanksgiving for the Colossians,...................... 3-8
By prayers for them,.................................... 9-23
With a declaration of his affection for them,.......... 24-29
C. ii. 1-3
III The exhortation,
1. General, wherein he excites them to perseverance,
and warns them not to be deceived,................... 4-8
Describes again the mystery of Christ in order,........ 9-15
And in the same order, draws his admonitions,
1. From Christ the head,............................. 16-19
2. From his death,................................... 20-23
3. From his exaltation,........................ C. iii. 1-4
2. Particular,........................................... 5-9
1. To avoid several vices,
2. To practise several virtues,...................... 10,11
Especially to love one another,................... 12-15
And study the scriptures......................... 16, 17
3. To the relative duties of wives and husbands,.... 18, 19
Children and parents,............................ 20, 21
Servants and masters,............................ 22-25
C. iv. 1
3. Final, to prayer,..................................... 2-4
to spiritual wisdom............................... 5, 6
V. The conclusion,......................................... 7-16
Verse 2. The saints-This word expresses their union with God.
And brethren-This, their union with their fellow-Christians.
Verse 3. We give thanks-There is a near resemblance between
this epistle, and those to the Ephesians and Philippians.
Verse 5. Ye heard before-I wrote to you. In the word of
truth, of the gospel-The true gospel preached to you.
Verse 6. It bringeth forth fruit in all the world-That is,
in every place where it is preached. Ye knew the grace of
God in truth-Truly experienced the gracious power of God.
Verse 7. The fellowservant-Of Paul and Timotheus.
Verse 8. Your love in the Spirit-Your love wrought in you
by the Spirit.
Verse 9. We pray for you-This was mentioned in general,
# Col 1:3, but now more particularly.
That ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will-Of his
revealed will. In all wisdom-With all the wisdom from above.
And spiritual understanding-To discern by that light whatever
agrees with, or differs from, his will.
Verse 10. That, knowing his whole will, ye may walk worthy of
the Lord, unto all pleasing-So as actually to please him in all
things; daily increasing in the living, experimental knowledge
of God, our Father, Saviour, Sanctifier.
11. Strengthened unto all patience and longsuffering with
joyfulness-This is the highest point: not only to know, to
do, to suffer, the whole will of God; but to suffer it to
the end, not barely with patience, but with thankful joy.
Verse 12. Who, by justifying and sanctifying us, hath made
us meet for glory.
Verse 13. Power detains reluctant captives, a kingdom cherishes
willing subjects. His beloved Son-This is treated of in the
fifteenth and following verses.
# Col 1:15
Verse 14. In whom we have redemption-This is treated of from
the middle of # Col 1:18. The voluntary passion of our Lord
appeased the Father's wrath, obtained pardon and acceptance for
us, and, consequently, dissolved the dominion and power which
Satan had over us through our sins. So that forgiveness is the
beginning of redemption, as the resurrection is the completion of it.
Verse 15. Who is-By describing the glory of Christ, and his
pre-eminence over the highest angels, the apostle here lays a
foundation for the reproof of all worshippers of angels. The
image of the invisible God- Whom none can represent, but his
only begotten Son; in his divine nature the invisible image,
in his human the visible image, of the Father. The first
begotten of every creature-That is, begotten before every
creature; subsisting before all worlds, before all time, from
all eternity.
Verse 16. For-This explains the latter part of the preceding
verse. Through implies something prior to the particles by
and for; so denoting the beginning, the progress, and the end.
Him-This word, frequently repeated, signifies his supreme
majesty, and excludes every creature. Were created all things
that are in heaven-And heaven itself. But the inhabitants are
named, because more noble than the house. Invisible-The several
species of which are subjoined. Thrones are superior to
dominions; principalities, to powers. Perhaps the two latter may
express their office with regard to other creatures: the two
former may refer to God, who maketh them his chariots, and, as
it were, rideth upon their wings.
Verse 17. And he is before all things-It is not said, he was:
he is from everlasting to everlasting. And by him all things
consist-The original expression not only implies, that he
sustains all things in being, but more directly, All things
were and are compacted in him into one system. He is the
cement, as well as support, of the universe. And is he less
than the supreme God?
Verse 18. And-From the whole he now descends to the most eminent
part, the church. He is the head of the church-Universal; the
supreme and only head both of influence and of government to
the whole body of believers. Who is-The repetition of the
expression {# Col 1:15} points out the entrance on a new
paragraph. The beginning-Absolutely, the Eternal. The first
begotten from the dead-From whose resurrection flows all the
life, spiritual and eternal, of all his brethren. That in all
things-Whether of nature or grace. He might have the
pre-eminence-Who can sound this depth?
Verse 19. For it pleased the Father that all fulness-All
the fulness of God. Should dwell in him-Constantly, as
in a temple; and always ready for our approach to him.
Verse 20. Through the blood of the cross-The blood shed
thereon. Whether things on earth-Here the enmity began:
therefore this is mentioned first. Or things in heaven-Those
who are now in paradise; the saints who died before Christ came.
21. And you that were alienated, and enemies-Actual alienation
of affection makes habitual enmity. In your mind-Both your
understanding and your affections. By wicked works-Which
continually feed and increase inward alienation from, and enmity
to, God. He hath now reconciled-From the moment ye believed.
Verse 22. By the body of his flesh-So distinguished from his
body, the church. The body here denotes his entire manhood.
Through death-Whereby he purchased the reconciliation which
we receive by faith. To present you-The very end of that
reconciliation. Holy-Toward God. Spotless-In yourselves.
Unreprovable-As to your neighbour.
Verse 23. If ye continue in the faith-Otherwise, ye will
lose all the blessings which ye have already begun to enjoy.
And be not removed from the hope of the gospel-The glorious
hope of perfect love. Which is preached-Is already begun
to be preached to every creature under heaven.
Verse 24. Now I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up
-That is, whereby I fill up. That which is behind of the
sufferings of Christ-That which remains to be suffered by his
members. These are termed the sufferings of Christ,
1. Because the suffering of any member is the suffering of the
whole; and of the head especially, which supplies strength,
spirits, sense, and motion to all.
2. Because they are for his sake, for the testimony of his truth.
And these also are necessary for the church; not to reconcile it
to God, or satisfy for sin, (for that Christ did perfectly,) but
for example to others, perfecting of the saints, and increasing
their reward.
Verse 25. According to the dispensation of God which is
given me-Or, the stewardship with which I am intrusted.
Verse 26. The mystery-Namely, Christ both justifying and
sanctifying gentiles, as well as Jews. Which hath been
comparatively hid from former ages and past generations
of men.
Verse 27. Christ dwelling and reigning in you, The hope of
glory-The ground of your hope.
Verse 28. We teach the ignorant, and admonish them that
are already taught.
Verse 1. How great a conflict-Of care, desire, prayer.
As many as have not seen my face-Therefore, in writing
to the Colossians, he refrains from those familiar
appellations, "Brethren," "Beloved."
Verse 2. Unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding,
unto the acknowledgment of the mystery of God-That is, unto the
fullest and clearest understanding and knowledge of the gospel.
Verse 6. So walk in him-In the same faith, love, holiness.
Verse 7. Rooted in him-As the vine. Built-On the sure foundation.
Verse 8. Through philosophy and empty deceit-That is, through
the empty deceit of philosophy blended with Christianity. This
the apostle condemns,
1. Because it was empty and deceitful, promising happiness,
but giving none.
2. Because it was grounded, not on solid reason, but the
traditions of men, Zeno, Epicurus, and the rest. And,
3. Because it was so shallow and superficial, not advancing
beyond the knowledge of sensible things; no, not beyond the
first rudiments of them.
9, For in him dwelleth-Inhabiteth, continually abideth, all the
fulness of the Godhead. Believers are "filled with all the
fulness of God," # Eph 3:19.
But in Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead; the most
full Godhead; not only divine powers, but divine nature, # Col 1:19.
Bodily-Personally, really, substantially. The very substance of
God, if one might so speak, dwells in Christ in the most full sense.
10. And ye-Who believe. Are filled with him-
# John 1:16. Christ is filled with God, and ye are
filled with Christ. And ye are filled by him.
The fulness of Christ overflows his church, # Psa 133:3.
He is originally full. We are filled by him with wisdom and
holiness. Who is the head of all principality and power-Of
angels as well as men Not from angels therefore, but from their
head, are we to ask whatever we stand in need of.
Verse 11. By whom also ye have been circumcised-Ye have
received the spiritual blessings typified of old by circumcision.
With a circumcision not performed with hands-By an inward,
spiritual operation. In putting off, not a little skin, but
the whole body of the sins of the flesh-All the sins of your
evil nature. By the circumcision of Christ-By that spiritual
circumcision which Christ works in your heart.
Verse 12. Which he wrought in you, when ye were as it were
buried with him in baptism-The ancient manner of baptizing
by immersion is as manifestly alluded to here, as the other
manner of baptizing by sprinkling or pouring of water is,
# Heb 10:22. But no stress is laid on the age of the baptized,
or the manner of performing it, in one or the other; but only
on our being risen with Christ, through the powerful operation
of God in the soul; which we cannot but know assuredly, if it
really is so: and if we do not experience this, our baptism has
not answered the end of its institution. By which ye are also
risen with him-From the death of sin to the life of holiness.
It does not appear, that in all this St. Paul speaks of
justification at all, but of sanctification altogether.
Verse 13, And you who were dead-Doubly dead to God, not only
wallowing in trespasses, outward sins, but also in the
uncircumcision of your flesh-A beautiful expression for original
sin, the inbred corruption of your nature, your uncircumcised
heart and affections. Hath he-God the Father. Quickened
together with him-Making you partakers of the power of his
resurrection. It is evident the apostle thus far speaks, not of
justification, but of sanctification only.
Verse 14. Having blotted out-in consequence of his gracious
decrees, that Christ should come into the world to save sinners,
and that whosoever believeth on him should have everlasting
life. The handwriting against us-Where a debt is contracted,
it is usually testified by some handwriting; and when the debt
is forgiven, the handwriting is destroyed, either by blotting
it out, by taking it away, or by tearing it. The apostle
expresses in all these three ways, God's destroying the
handwriting which was contrary to us, or at enmity with us.
This was not properly our sins themselves, (they were the debt,)
but their guilt and cry before God.
Verse 15. And having spoiled the principalities and powers-The
evil angels, of their usurped dominion. He-God the Father.
Exposed them openly-Before all the hosts of hell and heaven.
Triumphing over them in or by him-By Christ. Thus the
paragraph begins with Christ, goes on with him, and ends with
Verse 16. Therefore-Seeing these things are so. Let none
judge you-That is, regard none who judge you. In meat or
drink-For not observing the ceremonial law in these or any
other particulars. Or in respect of a yearly feast, the
new moon, or the weekly Jewish sabbaths.
Verse 17. Which are but a lifeless shadow; but the body,
the substance, is of Christ.
Verse 18. Out of pretended humility, they worshipped angels,
as not daring to apply immediately to God. Yet this really
sprung from their being puffed up: (the constant forerunner
of a fall, # Prov 16:18) so far was it from being an instance of
true humility.
Verse 19. And not holding the head-He does not hold Christ,
who does not trust in him alone. All the members are nourished
by faith, and knit together by love and mutual sympathy.
20. Therefore-The inference
begun, # Col 2:16; is continued.
A new inference follows, # Col 3:1.
If ye are dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world-That
is, If ye are dead with Christ, and so freed from them, why
receive ye ordinances-Which Christ hath not enjoined, from
which he hath made you free.
Verse 21. Touch not-An unclean thing. Taste not-Any
forbidden meat. Handle not-Any consecrated vessel.
Verse 22. Perish in the using-Have no farther use, no
influence on the mind.
23. Not sparing the body-Denying it many gratifications, and
putting it to many inconveniences. Yet they are not of any
real value before God, nor do they, upon the whole, mortify,
but satisfy, the flesh. They indulge our corrupt nature, our
self-will, pride, and desire of being distinguished from others.
Verse 1. If ye are risen, seek the things above-As Christ
being risen, immediately went to heaven.
Verse 3. For ye are dead-To the things on earth. And your
real, spiritual life is hid from the world, and laid up in God,
with Christ-Who hath merited, promised, prepared it for us,
and gives us the earnest and foretaste of it in our hearts.
Verse 4. When Christ-The abruptness of the sentence surrounds
us with sudden light. Our life-The fountain of holiness and
glory. Shall appear-In the clouds of heaven.
Verse 5. Mortify therefore-Put to death, slay with a continued
stroke. Your members-Which together make up the body of sin.
Which are upon the earth-Where they find their nourishment.
Uncleanness-In act, word, or thought. Inordinate affection
-Every passion which does not flow from and lead to the love of
God. Evil desire-The desire of the flesh, the desire of the
eye, and the pride of life. Covetousness-According to the
derivation of the word, means the desire of having more, or of
any thing independent on God. Which is idolatry-Properly and
directly; for it is giving the heart to a creature.
Verse 6. For which-Though the heathens lightly regarded them.
Verse 7. Living denotes the inward principle; walking,
the outward acts.
Verse 8. Wrath-Is lasting anger. Filthy discourse-And was
there need to warn even these saints of God against so gross
and palpable a sin as this? O what is man, till perfect love
casts out both fear and sin.
Verse 10. In knowledge-The knowledge of God, his will,
his word.
Verse 11. Where-In which case, it matters not what a man is
externally, whether Jew or gentile, circumcised, or
uncircumcised, barbarian, void of all the advantages of
education, yea, Scythian, of all barbarians most barbarous.
But Christ is in all that are thus renewed, and is all
things in them and to them.
Verse 12. All who are thus renewed are elected of God, holy,
and therefore the more beloved of him. Holiness is the
consequence of their election, and God's superior love, of
their holiness.
Verse 13. Forbearing one another-If anything is now wrong.
And forgiving one another-What is past.
Verse 14. The love of God contains the whole of Christian
perfection, and connects all the parts of it together.
Verse 15. And then the peace of God shall rule in your hearts
-Shall sway every temper, affection, thought, as the reward
(so the Greek word implies) of your preceding love and obedience.
16. Let the word of Christ-So the apostle calls the whole
scripture, and thereby asserts the divinity of his Master.
Dwell-Not make a short stay, or an occasional visit, but take up
its stated residence. Richly-In the largest measure, and with
the greatest efficacy; so as to fill and govern the whole soul.
Verse 17. In the name-In the power and Spirit of the Lord
Jesus. Giving thanks unto God-The Holy Ghost. And the
Father through him-Christ.
Verse 18. Wives, submit-Or be subject to. It is properly a
military term, alluding to that entire submission that soldiers
pay to their general.
# Eph 5:22, &c.
Verse 19. Be not bitter-(Which may be without any appearance
of anger) either in word or spirit.
Verse 21. Lest they be discouraged-Which may occasion their
turning either desperate or stupid.
V. 22. Eyeservice-Being more diligent under their eye than at other
times. Singleness of heart-A simple intention of doing right, without
looking any farther. Fearing God-That is, acting from this principle.
V. 23. Heartily-Cheerfully, diligently. Menpleasers are soon
dejected and made angry: the single-hearted are never displeased or
disappointed; because they have another aim, which the good or evil
treatment of those they serve cannot disappoint.
Verse 1. Just-According to your contract. Equitable-Even
beyond the letter of your contract.
Verse 3. That God would open to us a door of utterance-That
is, give us utterance, that we "may open our mouth boldly,"
# Eph 6:19, and give us an opportunity of speaking, so that
none may be able to hinder.
Verse 6. Let your speech be always with grace-Seasoned
with the grace of God, as flesh is with salt.
Verse 10. Aristarchus my fellowprisoner-Such was Epaphras
likewise for a time, # Phm 1:23.
Ye have received directions-Namely, by Tychicus, bringing this
letter. The ancients adapted their language to the time of
reading the letter; not, as we do, to the time when it was
written. It is not improbable, they might have scrupled to
receive him, without this fresh direction, after he had left
St. Paul, and "departed from the work."
Verse 11. These-Three, Aristarchus, Marcus, and Justus.
Of all the circumcision-That is, of all my Jewish
fellowlabourers. Are the only fellowworkers unto the kingdom
of God-That is, in preaching the gospel. Who have been a
comfort to me-What, then, can we expect? that all our
fellowworkers should be a comfort to us?
Verse 12. Perfect-Endued with every Christian grace.
Filled-As no longer being babes, but grown up to the
measure of the stature of Christ; being full of his light,
grace, wisdom, holiness.
Verse 14. Luke, the physician-Such he had been, at least,
if he was not then.
Verse 15. Nymphas-Probably an eminent Christian at Laodicea.
Verse 16. The epistle from Laodicea-Not to Laodicea.
Perhaps some letter had been written to St. Paul from thence.
Verse 17. And say to Archippus-One of the pastors of that
church. Take heed-It is the duty of the flock to try them
that say they are apostles to reject the false, and to warn,
as well as to receive, the real. The ministry-Not a lordship,
but a service; a laborious and painful work; an obligation to
do and suffer all things; to be the least, and the servant,
of all. In the Lord-Christ by whom, and for whose sake, we
receive the various gifts of the Holy Spirit.
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©1997 William H. Lawson, Jr.
Updated: Friday, June 27, 1997