John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament
Lectionary Edition

Luke 21:25-36

25. And there shall be-Before the great day, which was typified

by the destruction of Jerusalem: signs-Different from those

mentioned Lu 21:11, &c.

Mt 24:29; Mr 13:24.

28. Now when these things

-Mentioned Lu 21:8,10, &c,

begin to come to pass, look up with firm faith, and lift up

your heads with joy: for your redemption out of many troubles

draweth nigh, by God's destroying your implacable enemies.

29. Behold the fig tree and all the trees-Christ spake this in

the spring, just before the passover; when all the trees were

budding on the mount of Olives, where they then were.

30. Ye know of yourselves-Though none teach you.

31. The kingdom of God is nigh-The destruction of the Jewish

city, temple, and religion, to make way for the advancement

of my kingdom.

32. Till all things be effected-All that has been spoken of the

destruction of Jerusalem, to which the question, Lu 21:7,

relates: and which is treated of from Lu 21:8-24.

34. Take heed, lest at any time your hearts be overloaded with

gluttony and drunkenness-And was there need to warn the apostles

themselves against such sins as these? Then surely there is

reason to warn even strong Christians against the very grossest

sins. Neither are we wise, if we think ourselves out of the

reach of any sin: and so that day-Of judgment or of death, come

upon you, even you that are not of this world-Unawares.

Mt 24:42; Mr 13:33; Lu 12:35.

35. That sit-Careless and at ease.

36. Watch ye therefore-This is the general conclusion of all

that precedes. That ye may be counted worthy-This word sometimes

signifies an honour conferred on a person, as when the apostles

are said to be counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ,

Acts 5:41.

Sometimes meet or becoming: as when John the Baptist

exhorts, to bring fruits worthy of repentance,

Lu 3:8.

And so to be counted worthy to escape, is to have the honour of

it, and to be fitted or prepared for it. To stand-With joy and

triumph: not to fall before him as his enemies.

John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament


©1997 Bill Lawson
Updated July 7, 1997