The great similitude, or rather sameness, both of spirit and
expression, which runs through St. John's Gospel and all his
epistles, is a clear evidence of their being written by the
same person. In this epistle he speaks not to any particular
church, but to all the Christians of that age; and in them to
the whole Christian church in all succeeding ages.
Some have apprehended that it is not easy to discern the
scope and method of this epistle. But if we examine it with
simplicity, these may readily be discovered. St. John in this
letter, or rather tract, (for he was present with part of those
to whom he wrote,) has this apparent aim, to confirm the happy
and holy communion of the faithful with God and Christ, by
describing the marks of that blessed state.
The parts of it are three:-
I. The preface,.................................... C. i. 1-4
II. The tract itself,............................ 5-C. v. -12
III. The conclusion,................................... 13-21
In the preface he shows the authority of his own preaching
and writing, and expressly points out, verse 3, the design
of his present writing. To the preface exactly answers
the conclusion, more largely explaining the same design,
and recapitulating those marks, by we know thrice repeated,
v. 18-20.
The tract itself has two parts, treating,
I. Severally,
1. Of communion with the Father,............... C. i. 5-10
2. Of communion with the Son,................. C. ii. 1-12
With a distinct application to fathers,
young men, and little children,................. 13-27
Whereto is annexed an exhortation to
abide in him,......................... 28-C. iii. i-24
That the fruit of his manifestation
in the flesh may extend to his
manifestation in glory.
3. Of the confirmation and fruit of this
abiding through the Spirit,............... C. iv. 1-21
II. Conjointly,
Of the testimony of the Father, and Son,
and Spirit: on which faith in Christ, the
being born of God, love to God and his
children, the keeping his commandments
and victory over the world, are founded,...... C. v. 1-12
The parts frequently begin and end alike. Sometimes there
is an allusion in a preceding part, and a recapitulation in
the subsequent. Each part treats of a benefit from God, and
the duty of the faithful derived therefrom by the most
natural inferences.
V. 1. That which was-Here means, He which was the Word himself;
afterwards it means, that which they had heard from him.
Which was-Namely, with the Father, ver.# 2, before he was manifested.
From the beginning-This phrase is sometimes used in a limited sense;
but here it properly means from eternity, being equivalent with,
"in the beginning," # John 1:1.
That which we-The apostles. Have not only heard, but seen
with our eyes, which we have beheld-Attentively considered on various
occasions. Of the Word of life-He is termed
the Word,
# John 1:1;
the Life,
# John 1:4;
as he is the living Word of God, who, with the Father and the Spirit,
is the fountain of life to all creatures, particularly of spiritual
and eternal life.
V. 2. For the life-The living Word. Was manifested-In the flesh,
to our very senses. And we testify and declare-We testify by declaring,
by preaching, and writing, # 1Jo 1:3,4.
Preaching lays the foundation, # 1Jo 1:5-10: writing builds there on.
To you-Who have not seen. The eternal life-Which always was, and
afterward appeared to us. This is mentioned in the beginning of the
epistle. In the end of it is mentioned the same eternal life, which we
shall always enjoy.
V. 3. That which we have seen and heard-Of him and from him.
Declare we to you-For this end. That ye also may have fellowship
with us-May enjoy the same fellowship which we enjoy. And truly
our fellowship-Whereby he is in us and we in him. Is with the
Father and with the son-Of the Holy Ghost he speaks afterwards.
V. 4. That your joy may be full-So our Lord also, # John 15:11;
# 16:22. There is a joy of hope, a joy of faith, and a joy of love.
Here the joy of faith is directly intended. It is a concise expression.
Your joy-That is, your faith and the joy arising from it: but it likewise
implies the joy of hope and love.
V. 5. And this is the sum of the message which we have heard of
him-The Son of God. That God is light-The light of wisdom, love,
holiness, glory. What light is to the natural eye, that God is to the
spiritual eye. And in him is no darkness at all-No contrary principle.
He is pure, unmixed light.
V. 6. If we say-Either with our tongue, or in our heart, if we
endeavour to persuade either ourselves or others. We have fellowship with
him, while we walk, either inwardly or outwardly, in darkness-In
sin of any kind. We do not the truth-Our actions prove, that the truth
is not in us.
V. 7. But if we walk in the light-In all holiness. As God is
(a deeper word than walk, and more worthy of God) in the light,
then we may truly say, we have fellowship one with another-We who have
seen, and you who have not seen, do alike enjoy that fellowship with God.
The imitation of God being the only sure proof of our having fellowship
with him. And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son-With the grace purchased
thereby. Cleanseth us from all sin-Both original and actual, taking away
all the guilt and all the power.
V. 8. If we say-Any child of man, before his blood has cleansed us.
We have no sin-To be cleansed from, instead of confessing our sins,
# 1Jo 1:9,
the truth is not in us-Neither in our mouth nor in our heart.
V. 9. But if with a penitent and believing heart, we confess our
sins, he is faithful-Because he had promised this blessing, by the
unanimous voice of all his prophets. Just-Surely then he will punish:
no; for this very reason he will pardon. This may seem strange; but upon
the evangelical principle of atonement and redemption, it is undoubtedly
true; because, when the debt is paid, or the purchase made, it is the part
of equity to cancel the bond, and consign over the purchased possession.
Both to forgive us our sins-To take away all the guilt of them.
And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness-To purify our souls from every
kind and every degree of it.
V. 10. Yet still we are to retain, even to our lives' end, a deep sense
of our past sins. Still if we say, we have not sinned, we make him a
liar-Who saith, all have sinned. And his word is not in us-We do not
receive it; we give it no place in our hearts.
Verse 1. My beloved children-So the apostle frequently addresses
the whole body of Christians. It is a term of tenderness and
endearment, used by our Lord himself to his disciples,
# John 13:33. And perhaps many to whom St. John now wrote
were converted by his ministry. It is a different word from
that which is translated "little children," in several parts of
the epistle, to distinguish it from which, it is here rendered
beloved children. I write these things to you, that ye may not
sin-Thus he guards them beforehand against abusing the doctrine
of reconciliation. All the words, institutions, and judgments
of God are levelled against sin, either that it may not be
committed, or that it may be abolished. But if any one sin-Let
him not lie in sin, despairing of help. We have an advocate-We
have for our advocate, not a mean person, but him of whom it was
said, "This is my beloved son." Not a guilty person, who stands
in need of pardon for himself; but Jesus Christ the righteous;
not a mere petitioner, who relies purely upon liberality, but
one that has merited, fully merited, whatever he asks.
Verse 2. And he is the propitiation-The atoning sacrifice by
which the wrath of God is appeased. For our sins-Who believe.
And not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world
-Just as wide as sin extends, the propitiation extends also .
Verse 3. And hereby we know that we truly and savingly know him
-As he is the advocate, the righteous, the propitiation. If we
keep his commandments-Particularly those of faith and love.
Verse 5. But whoso keepeth his word-His commandments. Verily
in him the love of God-Reconciled to us through Christ. Is
perfected-Is perfectly known. Hereby-By our keeping his word.
We know that we are in him-So is the tree known by its fruits.
To "know him," to be "in him," to "abide in him," are nearly
synonymous terms; only with a gradation,-knowledge, communion,
Verse 6. He that saith he abideth in him-which implies a
durable state; a constant, lasting knowledge of, and communion
with, him. Ought himself-Otherwise they are vain words. So to
walk, even as he walked-In the world. As he, are words that
frequently occur in this epistle. Believers having their hearts
full of him, easily supply his name.
Verse 7. When I speak of keeping his word, I write not a
new commandment-I do not speak of any new one. But the old
commandment, which ye had-Even from your forefathers.
Verse 8. Again, I do write a new commandment to you-Namely,
with regard to loving one another. A commandment which, though
it also was given long ago, yet is truly new in him and in you.
It was exemplified in him, and is now fulfilled by you, in such
a manner as it never was before. For there is no comparison
between the state of the Old Testament believers, and that which
ye now enjoy: the darkness of that dispensation is passed away;
and Christ the true light now shineth in your hearts.
Verse 9. He that saith he is in the light-In Christ, united to
him. And hateth his brother-The very name shows the love due
to him. Is in darkness until now-Void of Christ, and of all
true light.
Verse 10. He that loveth his brother-For Christ's sake.
Abideth in the light-Of God. And there is no occasion of
stumbling in him-Whereas he that hates his brother is an
occasion of stumbling to himself. He stumbles against
himself, and against all things within and without; while
he that loves his brother, has a free, disencumbered journey.
Verse 11. He that hateth his brother-And he must hate, if he
does not love him: there is no medium. Is in darkness-In sin,
perplexity, entanglement. He walketh in darkness, and knoweth
not that he is in the high road to hell.
Verse 12. I have written to you, beloved children-Thus St. John
bespeaks all to whom he writes. But from the thirteenth to
# 1John 2:13-27
the twentyseventh verse, he divides them particularly into
"fathers," "young men," and "little children." Because your
sins are forgiven you-As if he had said, This is the sum of
what I have now written. He then proceeds to other things,
which are built upon this foundation.
Verse 13. The address to spiritual fathers, young men, and
little children is first proposed in this verse, wherein he
says, I write to you, fathers: I write to you, young men: I
write to you, little children: and then enlarged upon; in doing
which he says, "I have written to you, fathers," # 1Jo 2:14.
"I have written to you, young men," # 1Jo 2:14-17. "I have
written to you, little children," # 1Jo 2:18-27. Having
finished his address to each, he returns to all together, whom
he again terms, (as # 1Jo 2:12,) "beloved children."
Fathers, ye have known him that is from the beginning-We have
known the eternal God, in a manner wherein no other, even true
believers, know him. Young men, ye have overcome the wicked one
-In many battles, by the power of faith. Little children, ye
have known the Father-As your Father, though ye have not yet
overcome, by the Spirit witnessing with your Spirit, that ye are
the children of God."
Verse 14. I have written to you, fathers-As if he had said,
Observe well what I but now wrote. He speaks very briefly and
modestly to these, who needed not much to be said to them, as
having that deep acquaintance with God which comprises all
necessary knowledge. Young men, ye are strong-In faith. And
the word of God abideth in you-Deeply rooted in your hearts,
whereby ye have often foiled your great adversary.
Verse 15. To you all, whether fathers, young men, or
little children, I say, Love not the world-Pursue your
victory by overcoming the world. If any man love the world
-Seek happiness in visible things, he does not love God.
Verse 16. The desire of the flesh-Of the pleasure of the
outward senses, whether of the taste, smell, or touch.
The desire of the eye-Of the pleasures of imagination,
to which the eye chiefly is subservient; of that internal sense
whereby we relish whatever is grand, new, or beautiful. The
pride of life-All that pomp in clothes, houses, furniture,
equipage, manner of living, which generally procure honour from
the bulk of mankind, and so gratify pride and vanity. It
therefore directly includes the desire of praise, and, remotely,
covetousness. All these desires are not from God, but from the
prince of this world.
Verse 17. The world passeth away, and the desire thereof-That
is, all that can gratify those desires passeth away with it.
But he that doeth the will of God-That loves God, not the world.
Abideth-In the enjoyment of what he loves, for ever.
Verse 18. My little children, it is the last time-The last
dispensation of grace, that which is to continue to the end
of time, is begun. Ye have heard that antichrist cometh-Under
the term antichrist, or the spirit of antichrist, he includes
all false teachers and enemies to the truth; yea, whatever
doctrines or men are contrary to Christ. It seems to have been
long after this that the name of antichrist was appropriated to
that grand adversary of Christ, "the man of sin," # 2Thess 2:3
Antichrist, in St. John's sense, that is, antichristianism, has
been spreading from his time till now; and will do so, till that
great adversary arises, and is destroyed by Christ's coming.
Verse 19. They were not of us-When they went; their hearts were
before departed from God, otherwise, they would have continued
with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest
-That is, this was made manifest by their going out.
Verse 20. But ye have an anointing-A chrism; perhaps so termed
in opposition to the name of antichrist; an inward teaching
from the Holy Ghost, whereby ye know all things-Necessary for
your preservation from these seducers, and for your eternal
salvation. St. John here but just touches upon the Holy Ghost,
of whom he speaks more largely, # 1Jo 3:24; # 4:13; # 5:6.
Verse 21. I have written-Namely,
# 1Jo 2:13.
To you because ye know the truth-That is, to confirm you in the
knowledge ye have already. Ye know that no lie is of the truth
-That all the doctrines of these antichrists are irreconcilable
to it.
Verse 22. Who is that liar-Who is guilty of that lying, but he
who denies that truth which is the sum of all Christianity?
That Jesus is the Christ; that he is the Son of God; that he
came in the flesh, is one undivided truth. and he that denies
any part of this, in effect denies the whole. He is antichrist
-And the spirit of antichrist, who in denying the Son denies
the Father also.
Verse 23. Whosoever denieth the eternal Son of God, he hath not
communion with the Father; but he that truly and believingly
acknowledgeth the Son, hath communion with the Father also.
Verse 24. If that truth concerning the Father and the Son,
which ye have heard from the beginning, abide fixed and rooted
in you, ye also shall abide in that happy communion with the
Son and the Father.
Verse 25. He-The Son. Hath promised us-If we abide in him.
Verse 26. These things-From
# 1Jo 2:21.
I have written to you-St. John, according to his custom,
begins and ends with the same form, and having finished a kind
of parenthesis, # 1Jo 2:20-26, continues, # 2:27, what he said
in the twentieth verse, concerning them that would seduce you.
Verse 27. Ye need not that any should teach you, save as
that anointing teacheth you-Which is always the same, always
consistent with itself. But this does not exclude our need
of being taught by them who partake of the same anointing.
Of all things-Which it is necessary for you to know. And is
no lie-Like that which antichrist teaches. Ye shall abide in
him-This is added both by way of comfort and of exhortation.
The whole discourse, from verse 18 to this, # 1Jo 2:18-27 is
peculiarly adapted to little children.
Verse 28. And now, beloved children-Having finished his address
to each, he now returns to all in general. Abide in him, that
we-A modest expression. May not be ashamed before him at his
coming-O how will ye, Jews, Socinians, nominal Christians, be
ashamed in that day!
Verse 29. Every one-And none else. Who practiseth
righteousness-From a believing, loving heart. Is born of
him-For all his children are like himself.
Verse 1. That we should be called-That is, should be, the
children of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not-They
know not what to make of us. We are a mystery to them.
Verse 2. It doth not yet appear-Even to ourselves. What we
shall be-It is something ineffable, which will raise the
children of God to be, in a manner, as God himself. But we
know, in general, that when he, the Son of God, shall appear,
we shall be like him-The glory of God penetrating our inmost
substance. For we shall see him as he is-Manifestly, without a
veil. And that sight will transform us into the same likeness.
Verse 3. And every one that hath this hope in him-In God.
Verse 4. Whosoever committeth sin-Thereby transgresseth the
holy, just, and good law of God, and so sets his authority
at nought; for this is implied in the very nature of sin.
Verse 5. And ye know that he-Christ. Was manifested-That he
came into the world for this very purpose. To take away our
sins-To destroy them all, root and branch, and leave none
remaining. And in him is no sin-So that he could not suffer
on his own account, but to make us as himself.
Verse 6. Whosoever abideth in communion with him, by loving
faith, sinneth not-While he so abideth. Whosoever sinneth
certainly seeth him not-The loving eye of his soul is not
then fixed upon God; neither doth he then experimentally know
him-Whatever he did in time past.
Verse 7. Let no one deceive you-Let none persuade you that any
man is righteous but he that uniformly practises righteousness;
he alone is righteous, after the example of his Lord.
Verse 8. He that committeth sin is a child of the devil; for the
devil sinneth from the beginning-That is, was the first sinner
in the universe, and has continued to sin ever since. The Son
of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil-All sin.
And will he not perform this in all that trust in him?
Verse 9. Whosoever is born of God-By living faith, whereby God
is continually breathing spiritual life into his soul, and his
soul is continually breathing out love and prayer to God, doth
not commit sin. For the divine seed of loving faith abideth
in him; and, so long as it doth, he cannot sin, because he is
born of God-Is inwardly and universally changed.
Verse 10. Neither he that loveth not his brother-Here is the
transition from the general proposition to one particular.
Verse 12. Who was of the wicked one-Who showed he was a child
of the devil by killing his brother. And wherefore slew he
him-For any fault? No, but just the reverse; for his goodness.
Verse 13. Marvel not if the world hate you-For the same cause.
Verse 14. We know-As if he had said, We ourselves could not
love our brethren, unless we were passed from spiritual death
to life, that is, born of God. He that loveth not his brother
abideth in death-That is, is not born of God. And he that is
not born of God, cannot love his brother.
Verse 15. He, I say, abideth in spiritual death, is void of the
life of God. For whosoever hateth his brother, and there is no
medium between loving and hating him, is, in God's account, a
murderer: every degree of hatred being a degree of the same
temper which moved Cain to murder his brother. And no murderer
hath eternal life abiding in him-But every loving believer hath.
For love is the beginning of eternal life. It is the same, in
substance, with glory.
Verse 16. The word God is not in the original. It was omitted
by the apostle just as the particular name is omitted by Mary,
when she says to the gardener, "Sir, if thou hast borne him
hence;" and by the church, when she says, "Let him kiss me with
the kisses of his mouth," # So 1:2; in both which places there
is a language, a very emphatical language, even in silence. It
declares how totally the thoughts were possessed by the blessed
and glorious subject. It expresses also the superlative dignity
and amiableness of the person meant, as though He, and He alone,
was, or deserved to be, both known and admired by all. Because
he laid down his life-Not merely for sinners, but for us
in particular. From this truth believed, from this blessing
enjoyed, the love of our brethren takes its rise, which may very
justly be admitted as an evidence that our faith is no delusion.
17. But whoso hath this world's good-Worldly substance, far
less valuable than life. And seeth his brother have need-The
very sight of want knocks at the door of the spectator's heart.
And shutteth up-Whether asked or not. His bowels of
compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him
-Certainly not at all, however he may talk, # 1Jo 3:18,
of loving God.
Verse 18. Not in word-Only. But in deed-In action: not
in tongue by empty professions, but in truth.
Verse 19. And hereby we know-We have a farther proof by this
real, operative love. That we are of the truth-That we have
true faith, that we are true children of God. And shall assure
our hearts before him-Shall enjoy the assurance of his favour,
and the "testimony of a good conscience toward God." The heart,
in St. John's language, is the conscience. The word conscience
is not found in his writings.
Verse 20. For if we have not this testimony, if in anything
our heart, our own conscience, condemn us, much more does God,
who is greater than our heart-An infinitely holier and a more
impartial Judge. And knoweth all things-So that there is no
hope of hiding it from him.
Verse 21. If our heart condemn us not-If our conscience, duly
enlightened by the word and Spirit of God, and comparing all our
thoughts, words, and works with that word, pronounce that they
agree therewith. Then have we confidence toward God-Not only
our consciousness of his favour continues and increases, but we
have a full persuasion, that whatsoever we ask we shall receive
of him.
Verse 23. And this is his commandment-All his commandments in
one word. That we should believe and love-in the manner and
degree which he hath taught. This is the greatest and most
important command that ever issued from the throne of glory.
If this be neglected, no other can be kept: if this be observed,
all others are easy.
Verse 24. And he that keepeth his commandments-That thus
believes and loves. Abideth in him, and God in him: and
hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which
he hath given us-Which witnesses with our spirits that we
are his children, and brings forth his fruits of peace,
love, holiness. This is the transition to the treating
of the Holy Spirit which immediately follows.
Verse 1. Believe not every spirit-Whereby any teacher is
actuated. But try the spirits-By the rule which follows.
We are to try all spirits by the written word: "To the law
and to the testimony!" If any man speak not according to
these, the spirit which actuates him is not of God.
Verse 2. Every spirit-Or teacher. Which confesseth-Both with
heart and voice. Jesus Christ, who is come in the flesh, is
of God-This his coming presupposes, contains, and draws after
it, the whole doctrine of Christ.
Verse 3. Ye have heard-From our Lord and us, that it cometh.
Verse 4. Ye have overcome these seducers, because greater is the
Spirit of Christ that is in you than the spirit of antichrist
that is in the world.
Verse 5. They-Those false prophets. Are of the world-Of
the number of those that know not God. Therefore speak they
of the world-From the same principle, wisdom, spirit; and,
of consequence, the world heareth them-With approbation.
Verse 6. We-Apostles. Are of God-Immediately taught, and sent
by him. Hereby we know-From what is said,
# 1Jo 4:2-6.
Verse 7. Let us love one another-From the doctrine he has just
been defending he draws this exhortation. It is by the Spirit
that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts. Every one
that truly loveth God and his neighbour is born of God.
Verse 8. God is love-This little sentence brought St. John
more sweetness, even in the time he was writing it, than the
whole world can bring. God is often styled holy, righteous,
wise; but not holiness, righteousness, or wisdom in the
abstract, as he is said to be love; intimating that this is
his darling, his reigning attribute, the attribute that sheds
an amiable glory on all his other perfections.
Verse 12. If we love one another, God abideth in us-This is
treated of, # 1John 4:13-16.
And his love is perfected-Has its full effect. In us-This
is treated of, # 1John 4:17-19.
Verse 14. And in consequence of this we have seen and testify
that the Father sent the Son-These are the foundation and the
criteria of our abiding in God and God in us, the communion
of the Spirit, and the confession of the Son.
Verse 15. Whosoever shall, from a principle of loving
faith, openly confess in the face of all opposition and
danger, that Jesus is the Son of God, God abideth in him.
Verse 16. And we know and believe-By the same Spirit,
the love that God hath to us.
Verse 17. Hereby-That is, by this communion with God. Is
our love made perfect; that we may-That is, so that we shall
have boldness in the day of judgment-When all the stout-hearted
shall tremble. Because as he-Christ. Is-All love. So are we
-Who are fathers in Christ, even in this world.
Verse 18. There is no fear in love-No slavish fear can be where
love reigns. But perfect, adult love casteth out slavish fear:
because such fear hath torment-And so is inconsistent with the
happiness of love. A natural man has neither fear nor love;
one that is awakened, fear without love; a babe in Christ,
love and fear; a father in Christ, love without fear.
Verse 19. We love him, because he first loved us-This is
the sum of all religion, the genuine model of Christianity.
None can say more: why should any one say less, or less
Verse 20. Whom he hath seen-Who is daily presented to
his senses, to raise his esteem, and move his kindness
or compassion toward him.
Verse 21. And this commandment have we from him-Both God
and Christ. That he who loveth God love his brother-Every
one, whatever his opinions or mode of worship be, purely
because he is the child, and bears the image, of God.
Bigotry is properly the want of this pure and universal love.
A bigot only loves those who embrace his opinions, and receive
his way of worship; and he loves them for that, and not for
Christ's sake.
Verse 1. The scope and sum of this whole paragraph appears
from the conclusion of it, # 1Jo 5:13: "These things have I
written to you who believe, that ye may know that ye who
believe have eternal life." So faith is the first and last
point with St. John also. Every one who loveth-God that
begat loveth him also that is begotten of him-Hath a natural
affection to all his brethren.
Verse 2. Hereby we know-This is a plain proof. That we love
the children of God-As his children.
Verse 3. For this is the love of God-The only sure proof of it.
That we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not
grievous-To any that are born of God.
Verse 4. For whatsoever-This expression implies the most
unlimited universality. Is born of God overcometh the world
-Conquers whatever it can lay in the way, either to allure or
fright the children of God from keeping his commandments. And
this is the victory-The grand means of overcoming. Even our
faith-Seeing all things are possible to him that believeth.
Verse 5. Who is he that overcometh the world-That is superior
to all worldly care, desire, fear? Every believer, and none
else. The seventh verse # 1Jo 5:7 (usually so reckoned) is a
brief recapitulation of all which has been before advanced
concerning the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. It is cited, in
conjunction with the sixth and eighth, # 1Jo 5:6,8 by
Tertullian, Cyprian, and an uninterrupted train of Fathers.
And, indeed, what the sun is in the world, what the heart is in
a man, what the needle is in the mariner's compass, this verse
is in the epistle. By this the sixth, eighth, and ninth verses
# 1Jo 5:6,8,9 are indissolubly connected; as will be evident,
beyond all contradiction, when they are accurately considered.
Verse 6. This is he-St. John here shows the immovable foundation
of that faith that Jesus is the Son of God; not only the
testimony of man, but the firm, indubitable testimony of God.
Who came-Jesus is he of whom it was promised that he should
come; and who accordingly, is come. And this the Spirit, and
the water, and the blood testify. Even Jesus-Who, coming by
water and blood, is by this very thing demonstrated to be the
Christ. Not by the water only-Wherein he was baptized. But
by the water and the blood-Which he shed when he had finished
the work his Father had given him to do. He not only undertook
at his baptism "to fulfil all righteousness," but on the cross
accomplished what he had undertaken; in token whereof, when all
was finished, blood and water came out of his side. And it is
the Spirit who likewise testifieth-Of Jesus Christ, namely, by
Moses and all the prophets, by John the Baptist, by all the
apostles, and in all the writings of the New Testament. And
against his testimony there can be no exception, because the
Spirit is truth-The very God of truth.
7. What Bengelius has advanced, both concerning the transposition
of these two verses, and the authority of the controverted verse,
partly in his "Gnomon," and partly in his "Apparatus Criticus,"
will abundantly satisfy any impartial person. For there are three
that testify-Literally, testifying, or bearing witness.
The participle is put for the noun witnesses, to intimate that
the act of testifying, and the effect of it, are continually
present. Properly, persons only can testify; and that three are
described testifying on earth, as if they were persons, is
elegantly subservient to the three persons testifying in heaven.
The Spirit-In the word, confirmed by miracles. The water-Of
baptism, wherein we are dedicated to the Son, (with the Father
and Spirit,) typifying his spotless purity, and the inward
purifying of our nature. And the blood-Represented in the Lord's
supper, and applied to the consciences of believer. And these
three harmoniously agree in one-In bearing the same
testimony,-that Jesus Christ is the divine, the complete, the
only Saviour of the world.
Verse 8. And there are three that testify in heaven-The
testimony of the Spirit, the water, and the blood, is by an
eminent gradation corroborated by three, who give a still
greater testimony. The Father-Who clearly testified of the
Son, both at his baptism and at his transfiguration. The Word
-Who testified of himself on many occasions, while he was on
earth; and again, with still greater solemnity, after his
ascension into heaven, # Rev 1:5; # Rev 19:13.
And the Spirit-Whose testimony was added chiefly after his
glorification, # 1Jo 2:27;# Joh 15:26;# Ac 5:32;# Ro 8:16.
And these three are one-Even as those two, the Father and the
Son, are one, # John 10:30. Nothing can separate the Spirit from
the Father and the Son. If he were not one with the Father
and the Son, the apostle ought to have said, The Father and
the Word, who are one, and the Spirit, are two. But this is
contrary to the whole tenor of revelation. It remains that
these three are one. They are one in essence, in knowledge,
in will, and in their testimony.
It is observable, the three in the one verse are opposed, not
conjointly, but severally, to the three in the other: as if he
had said, Not only the Spirit testifies, but also the Father,
# John 5:37; not only the water, but also the Word,
# John 3:11,# John 10:41; not only the blood, but also the
Holy Ghost, # John 15:26, &c. It must now appear, to every
reasonable man, how absolutely necessary the eighth verse is
# 1Jo 5:8. St. John could not think of the testimony of
the Spirit, and water, and blood, and subjoin, "The testimony
of God is greater," without thinking also of the testimony of
the Son and Holy Ghost; yea, and mentioning it in so solemn
an enumeration. Nor can any possible reason be devised, why,
without three testifying in heaven, he should enumerate three,
and no more, who testify on earth. The testimony of all is
given on earth, not in heaven; but they who testify are part on
earth, part in heaven. The witnesses who are on earth testify
chiefly concerning his abode on earth, though not excluding his
state of exaltation: the witnesses who are in heaven testify
chiefly concerning his glory at God's right hand, though not
excluding his state of humiliation.
The seventh verse, therefore, with the sixth, # 1Jo 5:7,6
contains a recapitulation of the whole economy of Christ, from
his baptism to pentecost; the eighth, # 1Jo 5:8 the sum of the
divine economy, from the time of his exaltation.
Hence it farther appears, that this position of the seventh
# 1Jo 5:7,8 and eighth verses, which places those who testify
on earth before those who testify in heaven, is abundantly
preferable to the other, and affords a gradation admirably
suited to the subject.
Verse 9. If we receive the testimony of men-As we do continually,
and must do in a thousand instances. The testimony of God is
greater-Of higher authority, and much more worthy to be received;
namely, this very testimony which God the Father, together with
the Word and the Spirit, hath testified of the Son, as the
Saviour of the world.
Verse 10. He that believeth on the Son of God hath the testimony
-The dear evidence of this, in himself: he that believeth not
God, in this, hath made him a liar; because he supposes that to
be false which God has expressly testified.
Verse 11. And this is the sum of that testimony, that God hath
given us a title to, and the real beginning of, eternal life;
and that this is purchased by, and treasured up in, his Son,
who has all the springs and the fulness of it in himself, to
communicate to his body, the church, first in grace and then
in glory.
Verse 12. It plainly follows, he that hath the Son-Living and
reigning in him by faith. Hath this life; he that hath not the
Son of God hath not this life-Hath no part or lot therein. In
the former clause, the apostle says simply, the Son; because
believers know him: in the latter, the Son of God; that
unbelievers may know how great a blessing they fall short of.
Verse 13. These things have I written-In the introduction,
# 1John 1:4, he said,
I write: now, in the close, I have written. That ye may know
-With a fuller and stronger assurance, that ye have eternal life.
Verse 14. And we-Who believe. Have this farther confidence
in him, that he heareth-That is, favourably regards, whatever
prayer we offer in faith, according to his revealed will.
Verse 15. We have-Faith anticipates the blessings. The
petitions which we asked of him-Even before the event. And
when the event comes, we know it comes in answer to our prayer.
Verse 16. This extends to things of the greatest importance. If
any one see his brother-That is. any man. Sin a sin which is
not unto death-That is, any sin but total apostasy from both
the power and form of godliness. Let him ask, and God will
give him life-Pardon and spiritual life, for that sinner.
There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for
that-That is, let him not pray for it. A sin unto death may
likewise mean, one which God has determined to punish with death.
Verse 17. All deviation from perfect holiness is sin; but all
sin is not unpardonable.
Verse 18. Yet this gives us no encouragement to sin: on the
contrary, it is an indisputable truth, he that is born of God
-That sees and loves God. Sinneth not-So long as that loving
faith abides in him, he neither speaks nor does anything which
God hath forbidden. He keepeth himself-Watching unto prayer.
And, while he does this, the wicked one toucheth him not-So as
to hurt him.
Verse 19. We know that we are children of God-By
the witness and the fruit of his Spirit, # 1John 3:24.
But the whole world-All who have not his Spirit, not
only is "touched" by him, but by idolatry, fraud, violence
lasciviousness, impiety, all manner of wickedness. Lieth in
the wicked one-Void of life, void of sense. In this short
expression the horrible state of the world is painted in the
most lively colours; a comment on which we have in the actions,
conversations, contracts, quarrels, and friendships of worldly
Verse 20. And we know-By all these infallible proofs. That
the Son of God is come-Into the world. And he hath given us a
spiritual understanding, that we may know him, the true one
-"The faithful and true witness." And we are in the true one
-As branches in the vine, even in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son
of God. This Jesus is the only living and true God, together
with the father and the Spirit, and the original fountain of
eternal life. So the beginning and the end of the epistle agree.
Verse 21. Keep yourselves from idols-From all worship of false
gods, from all worship of images or of any creature, and from
every inward idol; from loving, desiring, fearing anything more
than God. Seek all help and defence from evil, all happiness
in the true God alone.
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©1997 William H. Lawson, Jr.
Updated: Friday, June 27, 1997