Epiphanius of Salamis
  1. Born in Palestine between 310 and 320
  2. An ascetic
  3. Became bishop of Salamis, captial of Cyprus, in 367
  4. Spent life hunting heretics
  5. Died at sea on his way from Constantinople to Cyprus in 403
  6. Wrote the Ancoratus, a defense of Christian doctrine in 373
  7. Wrote the Panarion, a work against heresies between 374 and 377
    1. Tracks down 80 heresies
    2. 20 of the heresies preced the time of Christ
    3. The first heresy is barbarism, from Adam to the flood

Derived from Gospel Parallels, Ed. Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr., 1979, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville

LivingWeb Library:  Scriptures:  229.951 - Church Fathers
©1999 William H. Lawson, Jr.
Updated: January 12, 1999