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    Colors = Entire Bible - Old Testament - New Testament - Partial
  1. Aquinas, St. Thomas  (Matthew & Mark)
  2. Bomkamp, Jim     (Hebrews, 1 John, 1-2 Peter)*
  3. Brodersen, Brian    (Sermon on the Mount, Colossians)*
  4. Caldwell, Bob    (John, 1 Corinthians, Isaiah)*
  5. Calvin, John  (Entire Bible)
  6. Cathers, Rick  (Genesis - Deuteronomy, Joshua, Isaiah, Luke - 2 Corinthians, Ephesians - 1 John, Revelation)*
  7. Clarke, Adam (Entire Bible)
  8. Collins, Kenneth W.  (Entire Bible)
  9. Cramer, Robert Nguyen  (Entire Bible)
  10. Daniel, Ron  (Genesis - Numbers, Joshua - 2 Kings, Psalms, Hosea, Amos, Malachi, Mark - John, Romans - Galatians, Phillipians, 1 Thes. - James, Jude, Revelation)
  11. Darby, John N. (New Testament)
  12. Elson, Terry    (Exodus, Leviticus, Luke, Romans, Galatians, Philippians)*
  13. Fromm, Robert  (Entire Bible)
  14. Geneva Study Bible, 1599  (Entire Bible)
  15. Gill, John   (Entire Bible)
  16. Griffiths, David   (Entire Bible)
  17. Guglielmo, Joe    (In Progress)*
  18. Guzik, David   (Entire Bible)
  19. Henry, Matthew   (Entire Bible)
  20. Jamieson-Fausset-Brown   (Entire Bible)
  21. Johnson, B.W.  (New Testament)
  22. Johnson, Chris    (In Progress)*
  23. Kenney, Pat    (In Progress)*
  24. Luther, Martin (Galatians & Romans)
  25. Marsh, John A.     (In Progress)
  26. McGarvey, J.W.  (New Testament)
  27. Ortize, Ken   (In Progress)*
  28. Pensiero, Gene    (In Progress)*
  29. Phillips, J.B.  (Entire Bible)
  30. Richardson, Bryan   (In Progress)*
  31. Roberts, John  (Old Testament)
  32. Robertson, A.T.   (New Testament)
  33. Salvato, Rob   (In Progress)*
  34. Smith, Chuck   (Entire Bible)
  35. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon   (Entire Bible)
  36. Stedman, Ray C.    (Entire Bible)
  37. Stewart, Don    (In Progress)*
  38. Watson, Cliff    (In Progress)*
  39. Wesley, John    (Entire Bible)
  40. Worthen, Drew    (In Progress)*

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* Indicates direct link to the author's website


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  • Audio Bible Commentaries  Simple,clear,verse by verse audio commentaries through the Bible
  • Verse by Verse Commentary  Verse by Verse Commentary is a daily verse by verse exposition of God's Word forming a principle and giving an application.
  • John Stevenson BIble Study Page  Old Testament, New Testament
  • Meaning of Bible Names  A look at the Hebrew & Greek text and some daring conclusions
  • Revelation 6:8; The Green Horse  A look at the Greek text and some daring conclusions
  • John 3:16; On Monogenes  A look at the Greek text and some daring conclusions
  • Psalm 8:5; A Little Lower Than God?  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • 1 Kings 7:23; Pi In The Bible  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • Deuteronomy 23:10-13; On The Old Testamentary Latrine  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • Exodus 20:3; On Other Gods  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • Genesis 2:7  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • Psalm 42:7; Deep cries out to Deep  A look at the Hebrew text and some daring conclusions
  • michigan state university   Michigan State University is known as one of the best international university in US.Michigan State University is conducting courses for MBA, Post-graduation, Graduation, Sports and Medical courses.
  • The Ultimate Audio Bible Media Suite  Listen to the Bible on anything - CD, DVD, MP3, Computer, TV - Alexander Scourby - 81 CD and DVD collection - only $99.95
  • Free Bible Online  Here at Free-Online-Bible.com, we present you with free downloads of Bibles, Bible Games, Audio, etc. Bible helps you in finding the way to eternal life.
  • Bible.org  Bible study
  • Scripture Verse by Verse  Simple, clear, concise, verse by verse audio commentaries through the entire Bible
  • Read Bible Online  Read Bible Online offers the complete Bible online and news affecting Christians in a blog format.
  • Coffman Commentary  This is an exhaustive commentary on all of the Bible.
  • The Book of Judges by Dr Peter Pett  A scholarly verse by verse commentary on The Book of Judges
  • The Gospel of Mark  By Dr Pett A modern scholarly verse by verse commentary on the Gospel of Mark
  • The Gospel of John: A Commentary by Dr Pett  By Dr Pett A modern scholarly verse by verse commentary on the Gospel of John
  • The Book of Genesis: A Commentary  By Dr Pett A modern scholarly verse by verse commentary on the Book of Genesis
  • The Book of Revelation: A Commentary  A modern scholarly verse by verse commentary on the Book of Revelation
  • Colossians.A verse by verse modern commentary  A verse by verse commentary on Colossians
  • Galatians: A commentary by Dr Peter Pett  A verse by verse modern commentary on Galatians
  • Roper, David--Phil, 2 Tim, James, 1 Pet, 2 Pet; various OT
  • Meyer, F.B.--Hebrews
  • Matthew, P.G.--good misc. sermons from Gospels, Acts, Pauline epistles



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