Quotes & Notes on:
John Wesley, Notes On the New Testament (1755):
Mary hath chosen the good part-To
save her soul. Reader, hast thou?
- Reginald Fuller's
Preaching the Lectionary (1984):
be posted.
William Baird,
Interpreter's Commentary, 1971:
be posted.
J. McNicol, The New Bible
Commentary, 1954:
be posted.
I.H. Marshall, The New
Bible Commentary, 1970:
be posted.
David Guzik,
Study Guide:
be posted.
Chuck Smith,
Study Guide:
be posted.
Catechism of the Catholic
Church: To
be posted.
J. Norval Geldenhuys,
Bible Expositor, 1960:
be posted.
Abingdon Bible Commentary
be posted.
D.D. Whedon, Commentary
on Luke, 1866:
be posted.
Joseph Parker, People's
Bible, 1901:
be posted.
Anchor Bible:
be posted.
The Fourfold Gospel:
But one thing is needful. That is, one duty
or privilege is pre-eminent. Bread for the body may be important, but
food for the soul is, after all, the one thing needful.
For Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from
her. The expression "good part" is an allusion to the portion of honor
sent to the principal guest at a banquet. Its use shows that Jesus had
food in mind when he used the expression "one thing is needful," and
that he was contrasting spiritual nourishment with physical. The
description of the two sisters here tallies with that given at Joh
12:2,3, for there Martha serves and Mary expresses personal devotion.
Our Lord's rebuke is not aimed at hospitality, nor at a life full of
energy and business. It is intended to reprove that fussy fretfulness
which attempts many unneeded things, and ends in worry and
fault-finding. It does not set a life of religious contemplation above a
life of true religious activity, for contemplation is here contrasted
with activity put forth with a faulty spirit. The trend of the New
Testament teaching shows that a man must be a doer as well as a hearer
of the Word (Lu 8:21; Jas 1:22,23).
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:
* one. Lu 18:22; Ps 27:4; 73:25; Ec 12:13; Mr 8:36; Joh 17:3; 1Co 13:3;
Ga 5:6 Col 2:10-19; 1Jo 5:11,12
* chosen. De 30:19; Jos 24:15,22; Ps 17:15; 119:30,111,173
* good. Ps 16:5; 142:5
* which. Lu 8:18; 12:20; 16:2,25; Joh 4:14; 5:24; 10:27,28; Ro 8:35-39
Col 3:3,4; 1Pe 1:4,5
Robertson's Word Pictures: The
good portion (tên agathên merida). The best dish on the table,
fellowship with Jesus. This is the spiritual application of the metaphor
of the dishes on the table. Salvation is not "the good portion" for
Martha had that also. From her (autês). Ablative case after
aphairêthêsetai (future passive indicative). Jesus pointedly takes
Mary's side against Martha's fussiness.
William Burkitt's Notes:
No comment on this verse.
Family Bible Notes:
One thing is needful; needful
especially, above all other things. That good part; the favor of God,
through love and obedience to his commands. Shall not be taken away; Job
17:9; Joh 4:14; 10:27-21:25
1599 Geneva Bible Notes:
No comment on this verse.
People's New Testament Commentary:
One thing is needful. Jesus cared nothing
for bodily indulgence. The important thing was the bread of life. That,
Mary had chosen. Heed the lesson that he who receives most of his word
and spirit, is most pleasing in his sight.
Albert Barnes' Commentary:
But one thing is needful. That is, religion, or piety. This is
eminently and peculiarly needful. Other things are of little importance.
This should be secured first, and then all other things will be added.
See 1Ti 4:8; Mt 6:33.
That good part. The portion of the gospel; the love of God, and an
interest in his kingdom. She had chosen to be a Christian, and to give
up her time and affections to God.
Which shall not be taken away. God will not take away his grace from his
people, neither shall any man pluck them out of his hand, Joh 10:28,29.
From this interesting narrative we learn--
1st. That the cares of this life are dangerous, even when they seem to
be most lawful and commendable. Nothing of a worldly nature could have
been more proper than to provide for the Lord Jesus and supply his
wants. Yet even for this, because it too much engrossed her mind, the
Lord Jesus gently reproved Martha. So a care for our families may be the
means of our neglecting religion and losing our souls.
2nd. It is of more importance to attend to the instructions of the Lord
Jesus than to be engaged in the affairs of the world. The one will abide
for ever; the other will be but for a little time.
3rd. There are times when it is proper to suspend worldly employments,
and to attend to the affairs of the soul. It was proper for Mary to do
it. It would have been proper for Martha to have done it. It is proper
for all--on the Sabbath and at other occasional seasons --seasons of
prayer and for searching the word of God--to suspend worldly concerns
and to attend to religion.
4th. If attention to religion be omitted at the proper time, it will
always be omitted. If Mary had neglected to hear Jesus then, she might
never have heard him.
5th. Piety is the chief thing needed. Other things will perish. We shall
soon die, All that we can gain we must leave. But the soul will live.
There is a judgment-seat; there is a heaven; there is a hell; and all
that is needful to prepare us to die, and to make us happy forever, is
to be a friend of Jesus, and to listen to his teaching:
6th. Piety is the chief ornament in a female. It sweetens every other
virtue; adorns every other grace; gives new loveliness to the
tenderness, mildness, and grace of the female character. Nothing is more
lovely than a female sitting at the feet of the meek and lowly Jesus,
like Mary; nothing more unlovely than entire absorption in the affairs
of the world, like Martha. The most lovely female is she who has most of
the spirit of Jesus; the least amiable, she who neglects her soul--who
is proud, gay, thoughtless, envious, and unlike the meek and lowly
Redeemer. At his feet are peace, purity, joy. Everywhere else an
alluring and wicked world steals the affections and renders us vain,
gay, wicked, proud, and unwilling to die.
{s} "one thing" Ps 27:4; Ec 12:13; Mr 8:36; Lu 18:22; 1Co 13:3
Jamieson-Faussett Brown:
one thing, &c.--The idea of "Short work and little of it suffices
for Me" is not so much the lower sense of these weighty words, as
supposed in them, as the basis of something far loftier than any precept
on economy. Underneath that idea is couched another, as to the
littleness both of elaborate preparation for the present life and of
that life itself, compared with another.
chosen the good part--not in the general sense of Moses' choice (Heb
11:25), and Joshua's (Jos 24:15), and David's (Ps 119:30); that is, of
good in opposition to bad; but, of two good ways of serving and pleasing
the Lord, choosing the better. Wherein, then, was Mary's better than
Martha's? Hear what follows.
not be taken away--Martha's choice would be taken from her, for her
services would die with her; Mary's never, being spiritual and eternal.
Both were true-hearted disciples, but the one was absorbed in the
higher, the other in the lower of two ways of honoring their common
Lord. Yet neither despised, or would willingly neglect, the other's
occupation. The one represents the contemplative, the other the active
style of the Christian character. A Church full of Marys would perhaps
be as great an evil as a Church full of Marthas. Both are needed, each
to be the complement of the other.
Spurgeon Devotional
No comment on this verse.
Adam Clarke's Commentary: One
thing is needful] This is the end of the sentence, according to Bengel.
"Now Mary hath chosen, &c.," begins a new one. One single dish, the
simplest and plainest possible, is such as best suits me and my
disciples, whose meat and drink it is to do the will of our heavenly
Mary hath chosen that good part] That is, of hearing my word, of which
she shall not be deprived; it being at present of infinitely greater
importance to attend to my teaching than to attend to any domestic
concerns. While thou art busily employed in providing that portion of
perishing food for perishing bodies, Mary has chosen that spiritual
portion which endures for ever, and which shall not be taken away from
her; therefore I cannot command her to leave her present employment, and
go and help thee to bring forward a variety of matters, which are by no
means necessary at this time. Our Lord both preached and practised the
doctrine of self-denial; he and his disciples were contented with a
little, and sumptuous entertainments are condemned by the spirit and
design of his Gospel.
Multos morbos, multa fercula fecerunt. SENECA.
"Many dishes, many diseases."
Bishop PEARCE remarks that the word ,
needful, is used after the same manner for want of food in Mr 2:25,
where of David it is said, , he had
need, when it means he was hungry. I believe the above to be the true
meaning of these verses; but others have taken a somewhat different
sense from them: especially when they suppose that by one thing needful
our Lord means the salvation of the soul. To attend to this is
undoubtedly the most necessary of all things, and should be the first,
the grand concern of every human spirit; but in my opinion it is not the
meaning of the words in the text. It is only prejudice from the common
use of the words in this way that could make such an interpretation
tolerable. KYPKE in loc. has several methods of interpreting this
passage. Many eminent commentators, both ancient and modern, consider
the text in the same way I have done. But this is termed by some, "a
frigid method of explaining the passage;" well, so let it be; but he
that fears God will sacrifice every thing at the shrine of TRUTH. I
believe this alone to be the true meaning oœ the place, and I dare not
give it any other. Bengelius points the whole passage thus: Martha,
Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: but one thing
is needful. Now, Mary hath chosen that good portion, which shall not be
taken away from her.
THAT the salvation of the soul is the first and greatest of all human
concerns, every man must acknowledge who feels that he has a soul; and
in humility of mind to hear Jesus, is the only way of getting that
acquaintance with the doctrine of salvation without which how can he be
saved? While we fancy we are in no spiritual necessity, the things which
concern salvation will not appear needful to us! A conviction that we
are spiritually poor must precede our application for the true riches.
The whole, says Christ, need not the physician, but those who are sick.
Martha has been blamed, by incautious people, as possessing a carnal,
worldly spirit; and as Mary Magdalene has been made the chief of all
prostitutes, so has Martha of all the worldly-minded. Through her
affectionate respect for our Lord and his disciples, and through that
alone, she erred. There is not the slightest intimation that she was
either worldly-minded or careless about her soul; nor was she at this
time improperly employed, only so far as the abundance of her affection
led her to make a greater provision than was necessary on the occasion.
Nor are our Lord's words to be understood as a reproof; they are a kind
and tender expostulation, tending to vindicate the conduct of Mary. The
utmost that can be said on the subject is, Martha was well employed, but
Mary, on this occasion, better.
If we attend to the punctuation of the original text, the subject will
appear more plain. I shall transcribe the text from Bengel's own
edition, Stutgardiae, 1734, 12mo. Lu 10:41,42, v. 41. 
"Then Jesus answered her,
Martha, Martha, thou art anxiously careful and disturbed about many
things; but one thing is necessary. But Mary hath chosen that good
portion which shall not be taken away from her." I have shown, in my
notes, that Martha was making a greater provision for her guests than
was needful; that it was in consequence of this that she required her
sister's help; that Jesus tenderly reproved her for her unnecessary
anxiety and superabundant provision, and asserted that but one thing,
call it course or dish, was necessary on the occasion, yet she had
provided many; and that this needless provision was the cause of the
anxiety and extra labour. Then, taking occasion, from the circumstances
of the case, to vindicate Mary's conduct, and to direct his loving
reproof more pointedly at Martha's heart, he adds, Mary hath chosen a
good portion; that is, she avails herself of the present opportunity to
hear my teaching, and inform herself in those things which are essential
to the salvation of the soul. I cannot, therefore, order her to leave my
teaching, to serve in what I know to be an unnecessary service, however
kindly designed: for it would be as unjust to deprive her of this bread
of life, after which she so earnestly hungers, as to deprive thee, or
thy guests, of that measure of common food necessary to sustain life.
All earthly portions are perishing: "Meats for the belly, and the belly
for meats, but God will destroy both it and then; but the work of the
Lord abideth for ever;" her portion, therefore, shall not be taken away
from her. This is my view of the whole subject; and all the terms in the
original, not only countenance this meaning, but necessarily require it.
The words, one thing is needful, on which we lay so much stress, are
wanting in some of the most ancient MSS., and are omitted by some of the
fathers, who quote all the rest of the passage: a plain proof that the
meaning which we take out of them was not thought of in very ancient
times; and in other MSS., versions, and fathers, there is an unusual
variety of readings where even the thing, or something like it, is
retained. Some have it thus; Martha, Martha, thou labourest much, and
yet a little is sufficient, yea, one thing only. Others: And only one
thing is required. Others: Thou art curious and embarrassed about many
things, when that which is needful is very small. Others: But here there
need only a few things. Others: But a few things, or one only, is
necessary. Now these are the readings of almost all the ancient
versions; and we plainly perceive, by them, that what we term the one
thing needful, is not understood by one of them as referring to the
salvation of the soul, but to the provision THEN to be made. It would be
easy to multiply authorities, but I spare both my own time and that of
my reader. In short, I wonder how the present most exceptionable mode of
interpretation ever obtained; as having no countenance in the text,
ancient MSS. or versions, and as being false in itself; for even Christ
himself could not say, that sitting at his feet, and hearing his word,
was the ONE thing NEEDFUL. Repentance, faith, prayer, obedience, and a
thousand other things are necessary to our salvation, besides merely
hearing the doctrines of Christ, even with the humblest heart.
Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary:
No comment on this verse.
Quotes on Luke 10:38-42
- The Greek word properly signifies, "to be drawn different ways at the same
time," and admirably expresses the situation of a mind surrounded (as Martha's
then was) with so many objects of care, that it hardly knows which to attend
- John Wesley,
Upon the New Testament, Vol. 1, on Luke 10:40
- To save her soul. Reader, hast thou?
- John Wesley,
Upon the New Testament, Vol. 1, on Luke 10:42
- This well-known idyllic scene is placed by Luke immediately after the parable
of the Good Samaritan. In this position it corrects the activistic
impression that might otherwise be deduced from Jesus' answer to the lawyer's
question: "Do this, and you will live." Activism must
spring from hearing the word of God. Most of us would feel
that we have to combine Mary and Martha -- hearing the word of God and
going out into the world in active service... Most of us have to be something
of each -- both the contemplative and the active.
- Reginald H. Fuller,
the Lectionary, p. 488ff
- The rest of Jesus' answer varies in the different manuscripts. Some
read "one thing is needful," while others say "few things are needful,"
or "only one." It is also not clear whether the one which is needed
refers simply to the number of dishes of the meal or has some spiritual
significance. Probably both are true. The dishes of food represent
devotion to the Lord. Not many things are needed, but only dish;
Mary has chosen the good portion, for her "dish" is to hear and obey the
word of God.
- William Baird,
One-Volume Commentary: Luke, p. 689
- The story is not meant to show the value of the contemplative life compared
to the life of action, but to teach that service to Jesus must not be misdirected
to such an extent that a person has no time to learn from Him; one
honours Him more by listening to Him than by providing excessively for
His needs.
- I.H. Marshall,
Bible Commentary, Revised (1970): Luke, p. 905ff
- It is a low construction which some put upon this, that, whereas
Martha was in care to provide many dishes of meat, there was occasion
but for one, one would be enough.... It is a forced construction
which some of the ancients put upon it: But oneness is needful
in opposition to distractions. There is need of one heart
to attend upon the word, not divided and hurried to and fro, as Martha's
was at this time.
- Matthew Henry,
Vol. 5, p. 691
- Interpreters find in the story of Martha and Mary conflicting messages
on service and listening.
- Wayne A. Meeks, Ed.,
Study Bible, p. 1980
- Practical benevolence such as that of the Samaritan is not enough.
It must be combined with communion with the Lord... It was fellowship Jesus
valued, not entertainment.
- J. McNicol,
Bible Commentary (1954): Luke, p. 851ff
- What profit earthly activities, pre-eminences, gains, and enjoyments, if
we miss that one absolute necessity, without which our all is lost!
- D.D. Whedon,
on the Gospels, Vol. Luke-John, p. 116
Seek Ye First |
405 |
Jesus Is All the World to Me |
469 |
Take My Life and Let It Be |
399 |
Wonderful Words of Life |
600 |
Precious Name |
536 |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus |
526 |
Trust and Obey |
467 |
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus |
349 |
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