A 41 – 4th Sunday of Easter

3rd Sunday of Easter – 5th Sunday of Easter


May 7, 2017

Free to Come and Go as We Please

I am the door of the sheep.”  – John 10:7b



First Reading Acts 2:42-47 Acts 2:14, 36-41
Psalm Psalm 23 Psalms 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6
Second Reading 1 Peter 2:19-25 First Peter 2:20-25
Gospel John 10:1-10 John 10:1-10


Quotes & Notes on:     John 10:7   
  • John Wesley’s Notes:
     Christ is both the Door and the Shepherd, and all things.
  • Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:* I am. Joh 10:1; 14:6; Eph 2:18; Heb 10:19-22
    * the sheep. Ps 79:13; 95:7; 100:3; Isa 53:6; Eze 34:31; Lu 15:4-6
  • Adam Clarke’s Commentary: It is through me only that a man can have a lawful entrance into the ministry; and it is through me alone that mankind can be saved. Instead of, I am the door, the Sahidic version reads, I am the shepherd; but this reading is found in no other version, nor in any MS. It is evidently a mistake of the scribe.
  • Family Bible Notes:I am the door; as the Father is the door to Christ, so he himself is the door to the under-shepherds and to all the sheep. Through him alone can men enter his church or the ministry which he has appointed.
  • 1599 Geneva Bible Notes:
    (No comment on this verse).
  • People’s New Testament Commentary:  I am the door of the sheep. Joh 10:1-5 speak of shepherds in general. These shepherds enter into the fold and go out by the same door as the sheep. Christ is that door; the Door of the sheep, the one door for all, both sheep and shepherds. There is no other way in, for “there is no other name, under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved” [Ac 4:12].
  • Robertson’s Word Pictures:
       Therefore again (oun palin). Jesus repeats the allegory with more detail and with more directness of application. Repeating a story is not usually an exhilarating experience. I am the door of the sheep (egô eimi hê thura tôn probatôn). The door for the sheep by which they enter. “He is the legitimate door of access to the spiritual aulê, the Fold of the House of Israel, the door by which a true shepherd must enter” (Bernard). He repeats it in verse Joh 10:9. This is a new idea, not in the previous story (Joh 10:1-5). Moffatt follows the Sahidic in accepting ho poimên here instead of hê thura, clearly whimsical. Jesus simply changes the metaphor to make it plainer. They were doubtless puzzled by the meaning of the door in verse Joh 10:1. Once more, this metaphor should help those who insist on the literal meaning of bread as the actual body of Christ in Mr 14:22. Jesus is not a physical “door,” but he is the only way of entrance into the Kingdom of God (Joh 14:6).
  • Albert Barnes’ Commentary:  I am the door. I am the way by which ministers and people enter the true church. It is by his merits, his intercession, his aid, and his appointment that they enter.Of the sheep. Of the church.

    {h} “I am the door of the sheep” Eph 2:18

  • Jamieson-Faussett Brown: I am the door of the sheep–that is, the way in to the fold, with all blessed privileges, both for shepherds and sheep (compare Joh 14:6; Eph 2:18).
  • Spurgeon Devotional Commentary:The elect of God were not duped, but waited till the true Christ came. 
  • Spurgeon Commentary on Matthew:
     (No comment on this verse).
  • William Burkitt’s Notes:Observe here, 1. The character which Christ gives of himself, I am the door of the sheep; that is, the only way and means by which sinners have access to God, and can obtain salvation: the only door by which sinners are entered into the kingdom of grace, and admitted into the kingdom of glory.Learn hence, That there is no possible way of access to God for fallen man, but by Jesus Christ. As there is no way of entering the house but by the door, and those that so enter are safe: in like manner, such as come unto God through Jesus Christ, in the way of faith and holy obedience, shall be put into a secure condition, and at last obtain eternal salvation.

    Observe, 2. The end and design of Christ in coming into the world, asserted and declared by himself; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

    But had not his people spiritual life before he came into the world?

    Yes, he gave life to his people before his coming, in a measure sufficient to supply their necessity; but since his coming, he gives it in such a super-abounding measure, as may testify his divine bounty: they shall not barely live, but live abundantly, that is, their spiritual life shall abound through the upholding, strengthening, quickening, and comforting presence of his holy spirit; for having conveyed spiritual life unto his people, in their regeneration and conversion, he will cause it to increase more and more in their sanctification, until it arrives to a complete perfection in their glorification.

    Observe lastly, The character which our Saviour gives of the scribes and pharisees in general, and those false Christs and false prophets, which went before him, in particular; he stiles them thieves and robbers; All that ever come before me, were thieves and robbers.

    Observe, He doth not say, All that were sent before me, but all that came before me, were thieves and robbers. So that Christ doth not speak this of the true prophets, who were sent by God before him, but of the false Christ, and false prophets, that came of themselves without an commission from God.

    The meaning is, all persons that came before me, pretending to be what I am, the true Messias, as did Theudas and Judas of Galilee, &c. they were thieves and robbers: that is, they only sought their own advantage, while they deceived and ruined you.

    Learn hence, That whoever took upon them the office and person of the Messias before Christ, or whosoever have since usurped a lawful calling in his church, without his commission, they are in Christ’s account no better than murderers, thieves and robbers, and they ought to be so in the people’s esteem. The sheep did not hear them.

  • Matthew Henry’s  Commentary:(No comment on this verse). 
  • Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary:(No comment on this verse).
  • The Fourfold Gospel:    I am the door of the sheep. Seeing that they did not understand the allegory, Jesus gives a twofold explanation of it found in Joh 10:7-10 and Joh 10:11-16. 


Bob VanWyk, Lectionary Hymn Reviewer


  • I am the door of the sheep  
  • Fairest Lord Jesus
  • He Leadeth Me
  • Work for the Night is Coming
  • Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us


Sermons, Outlines, & Commentaries
Lanora Wright, Lectionary Topic Librarian


See also:
Weekly Lectionary Resources; 220.7 – Bible Commentaries; 251 – Homiletics252 – Sermon Texts; Year B; Year C


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