A 40 – 3rd Sunday of Easter

2nd Sunday of Easter – 4th Sunday of Easter

April 30, 2017


Fire of Love

“Did not our hearts burn within us?”  – Luke 24:32a



First Reading Acts 2:14a, 36-41 Acts 2:14, 22-28
Psalm Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19 Psalms 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11
Second Reading 1 Peter 1:17-23 First Peter 1:17-21
Gospel Luke 24:13-35 Luke 24:13-35



    • After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. – Mark 16:12
    • Did not we feel an unusual warmth of love!

– Wesley, John, Notes Upon the New Testament, Vol. 1, on Luke 24:32

    • His word was in our heart as a burning fire, Jer 20:9. Our hearts waxed hot within us, and while we were musing the fire burned, Ps 39:3. In some such way as this the words of the disciples may be understood: but there is a very remarkable reading here in the Codex Bezae; instead of kaiomenh, burned, it has kekalummenh, veiled; and one of the Itala has, fuit excaecatum, was blinded. Was not our heart veiled (blinded) when he conversed with us on the way, and while he unfolded the Scriptures to us, seeing we did not know him?

– Clarke, Adam, Adam Clarke’s Commentary, Luke 24:32

    • This is an expression denoting the deep interest and pleasure which they had felt in his discourse before they knew who he was.  They now recalled his instruction; they remembered how his words reached the heart as he spoke to them; how convincingly he had showed them that the Messiah ought to suffer, and how, while he talked to them of the Christ that they so much loved, their hearts glowed with intense love. This feeling was not confined to them alone. All the followers of Jesus know how precious and tender are the communications of the Saviour, and how the heart glows with love as they think or hear of his life, and sufferings, and death.



    •   He opened to us. He explained to us the Scriptures. See Lu 24:27.  This narrative shows us,

1st. How blind men may be to the plainest doctrines of the Scriptures until they are explained to them. These disciples had often read or heard the Scriptures, but never, till then, did they fully understand that the Messiah must suffer.

2nd. It is proper there should be those whose office it is to explain the Scriptures.  Jesus did it while on earth; he does it now by his Spirit; and he has appointed his ministers, whose business it is to explain them.

3rd. If men attempt to explain the Bible, they should themselves understand it. They should give their time and talents to a suitable preparation to understand the sacred volume. Preaching should consist in real, and not fancied explanations of the Scriptures; the real doctrines which God has taught in his word, and not the doctrines that men have taught in their systems.

4th. Here was convincing evidence that Jesus was the Messiah.  This was but one of many instances where Jesus convinced his disciples, contrary to their previous belief. In this case the evidence was abundant.  He first satisfied them from the Old Testament that the very things which had happened were foretold; he then dissipated every doubt by showing himself to them and convincing them that he was truly the Christ. There was no chance here for deception and juggling.  Who would have met them and talked with them in this way but the real Saviour? Who would have thought of writing this narrative to help an imposture? What impostor would have recorded the dulness of the disciples as to the plain declarations of the Old Testament, and then have thought of this device to prop up the narrative? Everything about this narrative–its simplicity–its tenderness–its particularity–its perfect nature–its freedom from all appearance of trick–shows that it was taken from real life; and if so, then the Christian religion is true, for here is evidence that Jesus rose from the dead.
– Barnes, Albert, New Testament Commentary, Luke 24:32

    • They now tell each to the other how their hearts burned–were fired–within them at His talk and His expositions of Scripture. “Ah! this accounts for it: We could not understand the glow of self-evidencing light, love, glory that ravished our hearts; but now we do.” They cannot rest–how could they?–they must go straight back and tell the news. They find the eleven, but ere they have time to tell their tale, their ears are saluted with the thrilling news, “The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon.” Most touching and precious intelligence this. The only one of the Eleven to whom He appeared alone was he, it seems, who had so shamefully denied Him. What passed at that interview we shall never know here. Probably it was too sacred for disclosure. (See on JFB for Mr 16:7). The two from Emmaus now relate what had happened to them, and while thus comparing notes of their Lord’s appearances, lo! Christ Himself stands in the midst of them. What encouragement to doubting, dark, true-hearted disciples!

– Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary, Luke 24:32

    • Periphrastic imperfect middle. Spake (elalei). Imperfect active, was speaking. This common verb laleô is onomatopoetic, to utter a sound, la-la and was used of birds, children chattering, and then for conversation, for preaching, for any public speech. Opened (diênoigen). Imperfect active indicative of the same verb used of the eyes in verse Lu 24:31.

– Robertson’s Word Pictures, Luke 24:32

    • Thus they admit to each other that the joy of beholding the risen Lord was but the consummation of a joy already begun through a right understanding of the truth contained in Scripture. The sight of the Lord was sweeter because it was preceded by faith that he ought thus to rise.

– Four-fold Gospel, Luke 24:32

Bob VanWyk, Lectionary Hymn Reviewer


  • Love Divine  
  • There is A Fountain
  • We’ve A Story to Tell to the Nations
  • I Want to Be a Christian
  • Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
  • Rescue the Perishing
  • Revive Us Again
  • Breathe on Me, Breath of God


Sermons, Outlines, & Commentaries
Lanora Wright, Lectionary Topic Librarian


See also:
Weekly Lectionary Resources; 220.7 – Bible Commentaries; 251 – Homiletics252 – Sermon Texts; Year B; Year C


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Fire of Love

“Did not our hearts burn within us?”  – Luke 24:32a


  • True faith includes heartfelt love.

    • Heart

    • Burn

    • Within

  • A relationship with Christ kindles inner spiritual awakening.




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