Revised Common Lectionary
Year A
2016 – 2017

Season Occasion A # Next Date First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel
1st  of Advent 1 11/27/2016 IS 2:1-5 122 RO 13:11-14 MT 24:36-44
2nd  of Advent 2 12/04/2016 IS 11:1-10 72:1-7, 18-19 RO 15:4-13 MT 3:1-12
3rd of Advent 3 12/112016 IS 35:1-10 146:5-10 JA 5:7-10 MT 11:2-11
4th  of Advent 4 12/18/2016 IS 7:10-16 80:1-7, 17-19 RO 1:1-7 MT 1:18-25
*Proper 1: 5 24th Day of December IS 9:2-7 96 TS 2:11-14 LK 2:1-14 (15-20)
Christmas Eve
*Proper 2: 6 25th Day of December IS 62:6-12 97 TS 3:4-7 LK 2:(1-7) 8-20
Christmas Dawn or Nativity of Jesus Christ at Dawn
*Proper 3: 7 IS 52:7-10 98 HB 1:1-4 (5-12) JN 1:1-14
Christmas Day or Nativity of Jesus Christ
1st Sunday After Christmas 8 Not used in 2016 Isaiah 63:7-9 148 Hebrews 2:10-18 Matthew 2:13-23
*Holy Name of Jesus or Mary, Mother of God 9 First Day of the Year NU 6:22-27 8 GA 4:4-7 or LK 2:15-21
PH 2:5-11
*New Year 10 EC 3:1-13 8 RV 21:1-6a MT 25:31-46
*2nd Sunday After Christmas 11 Not used in 2016 JR 31:7-14 or SI 24:1-12 147:12-20 EP 1:3-14 JN 1:(1-9)10-18
*Epiphany of the Lord 12 6th Day of January IS 60:1-6 72:1-7, 10-14 EP 3:1-12 MT 2:1-12
or 01/01/2017
Baptism of the Lord 13 1/08/2017 IS 42:1-9 29 AC 10:34-43 MT 3:13-17
2nd  Sunday 14 1/15/2017 IS 49:1-7 40:1-11 1 CO 1:1-9 JN 1:29-42
After the Epiphany
3rd  Sunday 15 1/22/2017 IS 9:1-4 42835.12569 1CO 1:10-18 MT 4:12-23
After the Epiphany
4th  Sunday 16 1/29/2017 MI 6:1-8 15 1 CO 1:18-31 MT 5:1-12
After the Epiphany
5th Sunday 17 2/5/2017 IS 58:1-9a, (9b-12) 112:1-9 (10) 1 CO 2:1-12, (13-16) MT 5:13-20
After the Epiphany
6th Sunday 18 2/12/2017 DT 30:15-20 or SI 15:15-20 119:1-8 1 CO 3:1-9 MT 5:21-37
After the Epiphany
7th  Sunday 19 2/19/2017 LV 19:1-2, 9-18 119:33-40 1 CO 3:10-11, 16-23 MT 5:38-48
After the Epiphany
8th  Sunday 20 Not used in 2017 IS 49:8-16a 131 1 CO 4:1-5 MT 6:24-34
After the Epiphany
9th  Sunday 21 Not used in 2017 DT 11:18-21, 26-28 31:1-5, 19-24 RO 1:16-17; 3:22b-28, (29-31) MT 7:21-29
After the Epiphany
Last Sunday 22 2/26/2017 EX 24:12-18 2 or 99 2 PT 1:16-21 MT 17:1-9
After the Epiphany or
Transfiguration Sunday
*Ash Wednesday 23 3/1/2017 JO 2:1-2, 12-17 or IS 58:1-12 51:1-17 2 CO 5:20-6:10 MT 6:1-6, 16-21
1st Sunday in Lent 24 3/5/2017 GN 2:15-17; 3:1-7 32 RO 5:12-19 MT 4:1-11
2nd Sunday in Lent 25 3/12/2017 GN 12:1-4a 121 RO 4:1-5, 13-17 JN 3:1-17 or MT 17:1-9
3rd Sunday in Lent 26 3/19/2017 EX 17:1-7 95 RO 5:1-11 JN 4:5-42
4th Sunday in Lent 27 3/26/2017 I SA 16:1-13 23 EP 5:8-14 JN 9:1-41
5th Sunday in Lent 28 4/2/2017 EZ 37:1-14 130 RO 8:6-11 JN 11:1-45
6th Sunday in Lent or 29 4/9/2017 None 118:1-2, 19-29 None MT 21:1-11
Palm/Passion Sunday
Liturgy of the Palms
Liturgy of the Passion IS 50:4-9a 31:9-16 PH 2:5-11 MT 26:14-27:66 or MT 27:11-54
*Monday of Holy Week 30 4/10/2017 IS 42:1-9 36:5-11 HB 9:11-15 JN 12:1-11
*Tuesday of Holy Week 31 4/11/2017 IS 49:1-7 71:1-14 1 CO 1:18-31 JN 12:20-36
*Wednesday of Holy Week 32 4/12/2017 IS 50:4-9a 70 HB 12:1-3 JN 13:21-32
*Holy Thursday or 33 4/13/2017 EX 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14 116:1-2, 12-19 1 CO 11:23-26 JN 13:1-17, 31b-35
Maundy Thursday
*Good Friday 34 4/14/2017 IS 52:1-53:12 22 HB 10:16-25 or HB 4:14-16; 5:7-9 JN 18:1-19:42
*Holy Saturday 35 4/15/2017 JB 14:1-14 or LA 3:1-9, 19-24 31:1-4, 15-16 1 PT 4:1-8 MT 27:57-66 or JN 19:38-42
*Easter Vigil 36 EX 14:10-31; 15:20-21 114 RO 6:3-11 LK 24:1-12
Easter Day or 37 4/16/2017 AC 10:34-43 or JR 31:1-6 118:1-2, 14-24 COL 3:1-4 or AC 10:34-43 JN 20:1-18 or MT 28:1-10
Resurrection of the Lord
*Easter Evening 38 IS 25:6-9 114 1 CO 5:6b-8 LK 24:13-49
2nd Sunday of Easter 39 4/23/2017 AC 2:14a, 22-32 16 1 PT 1:3-9 JN 20:19-31
3rd Sunday of Easter 40 4/30/2017 AC 2:14a, 36-41 116:1-4, 12-19 1 PT 1:17-23 LK 24:13-35
4th Sunday of Easter 41 5/07/2017 AC 2:42-47 23 1 PT 2:19-25 JN 10:1-10
5th Sunday of Easter 42 5/14/2017 AC 7:55-60 31:1-5, 15-16 1 PT 2:2-10 JN 14:1-14
6th Sunday of Easter 43 5/21/2017 AC 17:22-31 66:8-20 1 PT 3:13-22 JN 14:15-21
*Ascension of the Lord 44 5/25/2017 AC 1:1-11 47 or 110 EP 1:15-23 LK 24:44-53
7th Sunday of Easter 45 5/28/2017 AC 1:6-14 68:1-10, 32-35 1 PT 4:12-14; 5:6-11 JN 17:1-11
Day of Pentecost 46 6/04/2017 AC 2:1-21 or NU 11:24-30 104:24-34, 35b 1 CO 12:3b-13 or AC 2:1-21 JN 20:19-23 or JN 7:37-39
or Holy Trinity 47 6/11/2017 GN 1:1-2:4a 8 2 CO 13:11-13 MT 28:16-20
Ordinary Time
Proper 4: 48 Not used in 2017 GN 6:9-22; 7:24; 8:14-19 or DT 11:18-21, 26-28 46 or 31:1-5, 19-24 RO 1:16-17; 3:22b-28, (29-31) MT 7:21-29
  Proper 5: 49 Not used in 2017 GN 12:1-9 or HO 5:15-6:6 33:1-12 or 50:7-15 RO 4:13-25 MT 9:9-13; 18-26
  Proper 6: 50 06/18/2017 GN 18:1-15 (21:1-7) or EX 19:2-8a 116:1-2, 12-19 or 100 RO 5:1-8 MT 9:35-10:8, (9-23)
  Proper 7: 51 06/25/2017 GN 21:8-21 or JR 20:7-13 86:1-10 or 69:7-10, (11-15), 16-18 RO 6:1b-11 MT 10:24-39
  Proper 8: 52 7/02/2017 GN 22:1-14 or JR 28:5-9 13 or 89:1-4, 15-18 RO 6:12-23 MT 10:40-42
  Proper 9: 53 7/9/2017 GN 24:34-38, 42-49, 58-67 or ZC 9:9-12 45:10-17 or 145:8-14 RO 7:15-25a MT 11:16-19, 25-30
  Proper 10: 54 7/16/2017 GN 25:19-34 or IS 55:10-13 119:105-112 or 65:(1-8), 9-13 RO 8:1-11 MT 13:1-9, 18-23
  Proper 11: 55 7/23/2017 GN 28:10-19a or WS 12:13, 16-19 (IS 44:6-8) 139:1-12, 23-24 or 86:11-17 RO 8:12-25 MT 13:24-30, 36-43
  Proper 12: 56 7/30/2017 GN 29:15-28 or 1 KI 3:5-12 105:1-11, 45b or 119:129-136 RO 8:26-39 MT 13:31-33, 44-52
  Proper 13: 57 8/6/2017 GN 32:22-31 or IS 55:1-5 17:1-7, 15 or 145:8-9, 14-21 RO 9:1-5 MT 14:13-21
  Proper 14: 58 8/13/2017 GN 37:1-4, 12-28 or 1 KI 19:9-18 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b or 85:8-13 RO 10:5-15 MT 14:22-33
  Proper 15: 59 8/20/2017 GN 45:1-15 or IS 56:1, 6-8 133 or 67 RO 11:1-2a, 29-32 MT 15:(10-20), 21-28
  Proper 16: 60 8/27/2017 EX 1:8-2:10 or IS 51:1-6 124 or 138 RO 12:1-8 MT 16:13-20
  Proper 17: 61 09/03/2017 EX 3:1-15 or JR 15:15-21 105:1-6, 23-26, 45c or 26:1-8 RO 12:9-21 MT 16:21-28
  Proper 18: 62 09/10/2017 EX 12:1-14 or EZ 33:7-11 149 or 119:33-40 RO 13:8-14 MT 18:15-20
  Proper 19: 63 09/17/2017 EX 14:19-31 or GN 50:15-21 114 or 103:(1-7), 8-13 RO 14:1-12 MT 18:21-35
  Proper 20: 64 09/24/2017 EX 16:2-15 or JO 3:10-4:11 105:1-6, 37-45 or 145:1-8 PH 1:21-30 MT 20:1-16
  Proper 21: 65 10/01/2017 EX 17:1-7 or EZ 18:1-4, 25-32 78:1-4, 12-26 or 25:1-9 PH 2:1-13 MT 21:23-32
  Proper 22: 66 10/8/2017 EX 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 or IS 5:1-7 19 or 80:7-15 PH 3:4b-14 MT 21:33-46
  Proper 23: 67 10/15/2017 EX 32:1-14 or IS 25:1-9 106:1-6, 19-23 or 23 PH 4:1-9 MT 22:1-14
  Proper 24: 68 10/22/2017 EX 33:12-23 or IS 45:1-7 99 or 96:1-9, (10-13) 1 TH 1:1-10 MT 22:15-22
  Proper 25: 69 10/29/2017 DT 34:1-12 or LV 19:1-2, 15-18 90:1-6, 13-17 or 1 1 TH 2:1-8 MT 22:34-46
  Proper 26: 70 11/5/2017 JH 3:7-17 or MI 3:5-12 107:1-7, 33-37 or 43 1 TH 2:9-13 MT 23:1-12
  Proper 27: 71 11/12/2017 JH 24:1-3a, 14-25 or WS 6:12-16 (Amos 5:18-24) PS 78:1-7 or 70 1 TH 4:13-18 MT 25:1-13
  Proper 28: 72 11/19/2017 JU 4:1-7 or ZP 1:7, 12-18 123 or 90:1-8, (9-11), 12 1 TH 5:1-111 MT 25:14-30
Christ the King 73 11/26/2017 EZ 34:11-16, 20-24 100 or 95:1-7a EP 1:15-23 MT 25:31-46
or Reign of Christ
All Saints 74 1st Day of November RV 7:9-17 34:1-10, 22 1 JN 3:1-3 MT 5:1-12
Thanksgiving Day 75 4th Th in Nov (US) or 2nd Mo in Oct (CA) DT 8:7-18 65 2 CO 9:6-15 LK 17:11-19
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  Common Readings Derived from Revised Common Lectionary, Copyright 1992 Consultation on Common Texts

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Br. Bill Lawson


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